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Geoengineering is among the topics that were once verboten but are now finding traction. And that includes some pretty out-there ideas, including ones focussed on saving polar ice by pumping massive amounts of seawater onto the surface of ice, where it will refreeze quicker and strengthen all icepack against melting.", "articles": [ "8363059001560440775.html", "3183561247967321420.html" ] }, { "title": "Families of British tourists are searching for information about their loved ones feared to have been caught up in a volcanic eruption that is believed to have killed 13 people.", "articles": [ "7097669638257091655.html", "8640648837506744731.html", "5327740411070568860.html", "2864261459164715420.html", "4297514366784952732.html", "1209901972994054556.html", "4778851489118409609.html", "4778851489501449096.html", "3480199992568320461.html", "7324224460114497997.html", "6469275855313002812.html", "6669504244433118536.html", "8582716287021140845.html", "2220466263783710956.html", "1799505150211619112.html", "6673764367816861940.html", "5911730203947221311.html", "8640648836445677658.html" ] }, { "title": "Desmond Tutu during the unveiling of the Nelson Mandela statue on the balcony of Cape Town City Hall in July 2018. Picture: ANA", "articles": [ "410802300823158996.html", "8834711023354300796.html" ] }, { "title": "Scores of JNU students were lathicharged by police on Monday and several of them detained when they tried to march towards Rashtrapati Bhawan against the hostel fee hike, throwing traffic out of gear and leaving metro commuters stranded for hours with three central Delhi stations being closed as a precautionary measure.", "articles": [ "1502508925391575234.html", "4718288654781687344.html" ] }, { "title": "New Zealand\u0027s most active volcano erupted on Monday killing at least five people with many trapped on the popular tourist spot, White Island, as conditions were too dangerous for search-and-rescue teams.", "articles": [ "6642629762208970042.html", "8334514181645696610.html", "2131266986135545731.html", "6642629762264299189.html", "6141642773656455622.html", "7324224459121052102.html", "3480199991574874566.html", "3480199991828711238.html", "4415806919896516896.html", "2184971256794901568.html" ] }, { "title": "There are fears for for three British nationals after a volcano erupted on an island in New Zealand, killing at least five people.", "articles": [ "675785260775230154.html", "675785261435335157.html" ] }, { "title": "A huge new theme park is set to open in the UK in 2024.", "articles": [ "5090408756823363409.html", "8325046883407794001.html" ] }, { "title": "In the world of pageants, the Miss Universe competition is the pinnacle of achievement, which means the fashions featured in it are no joke.", "articles": [ "5090408755811251519.html", "8325046882648654677.html" ] }, { "title": "Campaigners from Extinction Rebellion and the Irish Wildlife Trust have gathered at the gates of Leinster House calling for an end to overfishing.", "articles": [ "7595237277672349784.html", "6446904418320684704.html" ] }, { "title": "Gov. Inuwa Yahaya of Gombe State has approved the release of an additional N550 million for the payment of gratuities to the state retirees.", "articles": [ "7580308505332029199.html", "2658445901738433908.html" ] }, { "title": "NEW ZEALAND: At least five people were killed, up to 20 injured and several were reported missing after a volcano suddenly erupted off the coast of New Zealand’s North Island on Monday, spewing a plume of ash thousands of feet into the air.", "articles": [ "1105816787830527137.html", "6913978435391177704.html", "5456729300628869923.html", "7580308504532247908.html", "7421817125237924961.html", "7421817125300334533.html", "3524240994252807761.html", "7580308505667706506.html" ] }, { "title": "Saif Ali Khan is one of the most genuine and classy actors we have in Bollywood. His character as Sartaj Singh in Sacred Games wasn’t just applauded by his fans, but critics as well. His last film, Laal Kaptaan, didn’t work great at the box office but his performance won the hearts of audience.", "articles": [ "5184275670487553680.html", "7601703244706915044.html" ] }, { "title": "For decades, the people of Bethlehem have watched tour buses drive up to the Church of the Nativity, disgorge their passengers for a few hours at the traditional birthplace of Jesus, and then return to Israel. But in recent years a new form of tourism has taken root, focused on the West Bank town’s Palestinian residents, their culture and history and their struggles under Israeli occupation, reported The Associated Press. As pilgrims descend on Bethlehem this Christmas, they have the option of staying in restored centuries-old guesthouses, taking food tours of local markets and perusing the dystopian art in and around a hotel designed by the British graffiti artist Banksy. The centerpiece of tourism, and the focus of Christmas celebrations in the coming weeks, is the 6th-century Church of the Nativity, built on the site where Jesus is believed to have been born in a manger. Extensive renovations in recent years have saved the roof from collapse and revealed colorful wall mosaics depicting angels and saints. Earlier this month, the Vatican returned a small part of what Christians believe to be the original manger, which was sent to Rome as a gift to the pope in the 7th century. The thumb-sized relic, displayed in an ornate silver case, can be seen in a chapel adjoining the church. In Manger Square, just outside the church, a massive Christmas tree has been set up and festivities are planned in the coming weeks as various denominations hold staggered Christmas celebrations. On January 7, Bethlehem will host an international Santa convention. Tourism has suffered in the past during outbreaks of violence between Israel and the Palestinians. But the Palestinian Tourism Ministry expects 3.5 million visitors to Bethlehem in 2019, up from 3 million the previous year, and many think there is still room for growth. “The general situation in Palestine and the Holy Land is that there is very good security, better than most countries in the world, and so the people are visiting,\" said Elias al-Arja, chairman of the local hotel association. He noted that while the territories include the most important sites in Christianity, including the places where tradition says Christ was born, where he grew up, was crucified and resurrected, they attract far fewer visitors than the Vatican. “We have the opportunity to draw more people,” he said. Religious tourism is a boon for the local economy, but many Palestinians feel the city’s modern residents are largely ignored. Israel captured the West Bank, along with east Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip, in the 1967 Middle East war. The Palestinians view the territories as part of their national homeland and hope to one day establish an independent state. Visitors traveling to Bethlehem pass through a sprawling Israeli checkpoint and then drive along the separation wall, which Israel began building during the second Palestinian intifada, or uprising, in the early 2000s. Israel says the barrier is needed to prevent attacks, but the Palestinians view it as a land grab because its route places almost 10 percent of the West Bank on the Israeli side. Bethlehem itself is almost completely surrounded by the barrier and a string of Jewish settlements. The town’s predicament is on vivid display in and around the Walled-Off Hotel, which was designed by Banksy and opened in 2017. The hotel looks out on the separation wall, which itself is covered with artwork, graffiti and museum panels explaining life under occupation. Inside, a number of Banksy pieces are depicted in a haunting lobby, which this time of year is dimly lit with Christmas lights. The hotel offers weekly performances by local musicians and daily tours of a nearby Palestinian refugee camp. Tours of Banksy’s public artwork elsewhere in the town can be organized on request. A different form of alternative tourism, conceived by Palestinians themselves, can be found in the city center, just a few hundred meters from the church. There the municipality, with Italian aid, has restored an 18th-century guesthouse and rented it out to Fadi Kattan, a French Palestinian chef. The Hosh Al-Syrian Guesthouse includes 12 tastefully furnished rooms ranging from $80-150 a night. At its Fawda Restaurant — Arabic for chaos — Kattan uses local ingredients to cook up traditional Palestinian cuisine with a modern twist. “My vision was to say religious tourism will promote itself by itself, it doesn’t need the private sector to promote it,\" he said. “Let’s promote everything else. Let’s promote our food, let’s promote our culture, let’s promote our history.\" Kattan is especially keen to promote Palestinian cuisine, which he says has been appropriated by Israeli chefs and food writers. The guesthouse partners with a local group known as Farayek to offer food tours in which visitors wander through the local market, meeting farmers, butchers and bakers before having lunch at the guesthouse. Another program includes cooking classes taught by a Palestinian grandmother. “What I was hoping to achieve is to have people stay three nights in Bethlehem, to have people go to the fruit and vegetable market, to have people meet the people of Bethlehem, not just the very short tour into the city,\" he said. When the guesthouse opened in 2014, the average stay was one night, but now it has risen to three and a half, with steady occupancy throughout the low season, Kattan said. A handful of other restored guesthouses have also opened in recent years, including Dar al-Majus, Arabic for House of the Maji, named for the three kings said to have visited the manger after Christ was born. The guesthouse is part of a wider initiative by the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land and a local association to support the Christian community. Bethlehem\u0027s Christian community, like others across the Middle East, has dramatically dwindled in recent decades as Christians have fled war and conflict or sought better economic opportunities abroad. A local family living next to the guesthouse cooks breakfast and traditional meals for guests, and the guesthouse employs members of another two families. The guesthouse mostly supplies itself from the local market, and there are plans to expand to another restored house in the old quarter next year. Bethlehem\u0027s mayor, Anton Salman, expects the recent growth in tourism to continue. “Each season is more active and more organized and more attractive for the local community in Palestine and for the tourists,” he said.", "articles": [ "7659934046295676.html", "7786541636467286854.html", "6669504246175773446.html", "6669504245380022819.html" ] }, { "title": "Kevin Frayer/Getty Images", "articles": [ "7097669638780819604.html", "7680839748273137338.html", "5090408757167744698.html", "8325046883752175290.html" ] }, { "title": "An array of global and local NGOs are in a tense fight to save the rainforest, which lost an area twice the size of Luxembourg last year alone, according to Global Forest Watch. Lush rainforest covers millions of hectares of the Democratic Republic of Congo, a central part of Earth\u0027s natural defence against global warming -- but it is under severe threat from a perfect storm of mismanagement and corruption. An array of global and local NGOs are in a tense fight to save the rainforest, which lost an area twice the size of Luxembourg last year alone, according to Global Forest Watch. But the problems run right through DR Congo society -- from the poor who rely on charcoal for fuel in a country with meagre supplies of other power, to the senior officials who profit from illegal logging. \"There are lawmakers and soldiers involved. They don\u0027t pay taxes -- it\u0027s unfair competition,\" says Felicien Liofo, head of a wood craftsmen\u0027s association. Local police say soldiers simply rip apart the fences around the forest and threaten to shoot anyone who tries to stop them. - NGOs fight back - The government faces a daunting challenge to protect the rainforest. Its 2002 forestry code imposed a moratorium on new concessions and regulated the number of trees that could be chopped down under existing permits, but officials complain of a lack of resources. Felicien Malu, a provincial environment coordinator, has roughly 1,200 workers to cover a province twice the size of Portugal. But his staff, he says, are not paid and lack even the basic tools of their trade -- boats, motorcycles or pickup trucks. \"We can\u0027t organise control missions because there are many rivers to cross and unpaved roads,\" he says. His predecessor in the job was suspended for embezzlement, underlining how corruption feeds the problem of deforestation. NGOs have launched a multi-pronged attack against the plunder. Greenpeace Africa and a coalition of eight NGOs from DRC and neighbouring Congo-Brazzaville have demanded a halt to all industrial activities in the millions of hectares of peatland shared by the two countries. The ancient wetlands store huge amounts of carbon, but companies are involved in oil exploration, logging and industrial agriculture in the area. Global Witness investigated the illegal logging trade and earlier this year accused a general in the Congolese army of illegally reselling logging permits. However, DRC remains impoverished and electricity is a rare luxury, meaning that most Congolese still rely on charcoal as their main fuel supply. Making charcoal involves chopping down trees and slow-burning the wood in covered ovens -- all of which comes at a steep price for the environment. \"I get through a $30 sackful every two months. That\u0027s a fair chunk of what I earn,\" says Solange Sekera while shopping at a market in the eastern city of Goma. \"We have no other means of preparing meals.\" - Our forests may disappear\u0027 - The trade in charcoal -- known locally as makala -- is worth millions of dollars and it is attracting armed groups to the Goma area, threatening Virunga natural park, a sanctuary for endangered mountain gorillas. More than 2,000 kilometres (1,200 miles) to the west, the reliance on charcoal in Kinshasa is also causing severe problems. Kinshasa residents consume five million tonnes of wood a year, according to French research group Cirad, and increasing urbanisation is just raising the pressure on the forests. On the hillsides around the capital, there are scarcely any trees left. NGOs and the government are once again trying to respond. The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is trying to minimise the impact of charcoal burning by introducing \"eco makala\" ovens that burn the fuel more efficiently and so use less wood. And President Felix Tshisekedi is trying to boost electricity across the country to reduce demand for wood-based fuel. He has championed hydroelectric power -- and ground was broken in early October on a new dam in Goma. NGOs and locals are not convinced of the viability of the project, but Tshisekedi is adamant: \"Given the current rate of population growth and our energy needs, our forests may disappear by the year 2100,\" he says.", "articles": [ "9103146373456058381.html", "1202843881308395838.html" ] }, { "title": "New Delhi (Sputnik): Bollywood actors Arjun Kapoor and Sanjay Dutt star in “Panipat”, which depicts a battle that occurred between the Marathas and the then-Afghan King Ahmad Shah Abdali in 1761. It’s a creation of National Awardee Director Ashutosh Gowariker, known for his 2001 release “Lagaan”.", "articles": [ "967333868389172545.html", "2885715105119179956.html" ] }, { "title": "BERLIN: The cuteness level at Berlin Zoo doubled on Monday when a pair of twin panda cubs made their public debut, with the zoo revealing the cuddly bundles of fur were both boys.", "articles": [ "1105816787633501079.html", "270941995060751231.html", "7097669638205058868.html" ] }, { "title": "Transport Minister Fikile Mbalula has announced that the interim board of the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa) has been dissolved with immediate effect and that it has been placed under administration.", "articles": [ "8834711023895886109.html", "17825111303955716.html" ] }, { "title": "At least five people were killed, up to 20 injured and several were reported missing after a volcano suddenly erupted off the coast of New Zealand’s North Island on Monday, spewing a plume of ash thousands of feet into the air.", "articles": [ "7853952859265197893.html", "8334514180492665806.html", "8334514179908657454.html", "1570469240971182005.html", "8119004128989569645.html" ] }, { "title": "Generally speaking, if a retailer is issuing an apology during the holiday season that features the words “Santa Claus,” “cocaine” and “pants-free” it is safe to assume things have gone pretty badly off the rails somewhere.", "articles": [ "7357138825898091859.html", "2511519171368795850.html" ] }, { "title": "Mixed Use Architecture, Office Buildings, Retail • Des Moines, United States", "articles": [ "6219750955837579480.html", "6219750955218586437.html" ] }, { "title": "RFS commissioner says despite lower wind speed on Tuesday, high temperature and low humidity will make it a ‘difficult day’ with the New South Wales bushfires", "articles": [ "1491978796457932750.html", "5848147785761225394.html" ] }, { "title": "Pilipinas Shell, Chevron Philippines, PTT Philippines, Petro Gazz and Seaoil in their separate advisories said they will cut the prices of their gasoline and kerosene products by P0.40 centavos per liter while there will be no changes in diesel.", "articles": [ "6375127392568987227.html", "8374351514659778422.html" ] }, { "title": "The final was a battle of the soap stars.", "articles": [ "3480199992065276781.html", "7324224459611454317.html" ] }, { "title": "A river burst its banks and washed away hundreds of shacks in Mamelodi. Picture: Sakhile Ndlazi", "articles": [ "17825110963937774.html", "17825112294644196.html" ] }, { "title": "Susanna Reid sent viewers wild as she put on a busty display in a gorgeously festive cherry red dress on Good Morning Britain today (December 9).", "articles": [ "8392972517111075645.html", "8392972515906779034.html", "8392972517103003539.html", "8392972516757226794.html", "8392972515946950111.html" ] }, { "title": "A cyclist has brought festive cheer to the streets of London by riding a 79-mile route around the capital in the shape of a reindeer.", "articles": [ "124328110545361222.html", "6141642775028332952.html", "3480199992946751896.html", "993065411497783.html" ] }, { "title": "For stealing thirty four pieces of boxers, a 24-year-old man, Tobechukwu Anyanwu has been sentenced to two years imprisonment by a Magistrate Court in Isolo, Lagos.", "articles": [ "5544636822294169546.html", "2090029850459878077.html" ] }, { "title": "Airbnb may be on its way to becoming a hotel company.", "articles": [ "5090408756263726183.html", "8325046882848156775.html" ] }, { "title": "Amazon", "articles": [ "5090408757308653110.html", "8325046883893083702.html" ] }, { "title": "TikTok has released the TikTok 100, a year-in-review list that names the top videos, genres, creators and memes that shaped the fastest-growing platform of the past year. The list highlights popular TikToks in topic areas like beauty and style, sports, pets and dance trends.", "articles": [ "1961078289206233063.html", "1961078288800259694.html" ] }, { "title": "China’s unprecedented oppression of Uighur Muslims goes beyond the borders of Xinjiang, the western Chinese region where most of the ethnic minority live, former residents told Business Insider.", "articles": [ "7680839746842611692.html", "7097669638368519508.html" ] }, { "title": "Boris Johnson has insisted he is “taking nothing for granted” as he launched his final election campaign push in a fish market.", "articles": [ "7324224459319852744.html", "3480199991773675208.html" ] }, { "title": "The government on Monday said more than Rs 10 trillion have been disbursed under the Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana till November 1, 2019.", "articles": [ "1502508925961046566.html", "2027555796009057755.html", "6679535025985244348.html" ] }, { "title": "New Delhi, Dec 09: Police resorted to lathicharge after a clash with protesting Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) students who were marching towards Rashtrapati Bhawan were stopped by police and baton charged near the Bhikaji Cama Place metro station on Monday.", "articles": [ "2023829371830841988.html", "6679535024710441156.html" ] }, { "title": "NEW DELHI (AP) - Day laborers in one of New Delhi\u0027s most congested neighborhoods demonstrated against unsafe working conditions on Monday, a day after at least 43 people were killed in a devastating fire at an illegal factory there.", "articles": [ "6395891953295746080.html", "7786541636855494243.html" ] }, { "title": "MIAMI — 3D-printed cocktails, a traffic jam sculpture made of hundreds of tons of sand and more celebrity sightings than a Kardashian Christmas party were all part of over-the-top festivities during the week of Art Basel Miami, but it was a banana that stole the show.", "articles": [ "52741009638663172.html", "2422791597426704125.html", "6669504244542545655.html" ] }, { "title": "– Story by Laura Langston Photography by Don Denton", "articles": [ "1209901974208989750.html", "2864261460379650614.html", "4297514367999887926.html" ] }, { "title": "At long last, the highly anticipated collaboration between Beyoncé and Adidas is (almost) here.", "articles": [ "6060062400009443749.html", "2502378729142078104.html" ] }, { "title": "American firm LOHA has unveiled plans for an affordable housing complex in Los Angeles, comprising stacks of shipping containers arranged on a triangular site near a busy highway interchange.", "articles": [ "1175672638404193716.html", "1175672637984668390.html" ] }, { "title": "The former garda station in New Inn sold at public auction for €113,000.", "articles": [ "1097599578461913552.html", "52741010404576286.html" ] }, { "title": "Phillip Schofield\u0027s former co-star Connor Byrne branded the This Morning host a \u0027total t**t\u0027 and said he \u0027wasn\u0027t surprised\u0027 to hear the recent allegations against him.", "articles": [ "675785261053852357.html", "2875825628811442999.html" ] }, { "title": "Hudson Yards, New York City’s new $25 billion megadevelopment, is now the city’s most expensive neighborhood, with a median sales price of nearly $5 million.", "articles": [ "8325046882850305989.html", "5090408756265875397.html" ] }, { "title": "At just 20 years old, Silva is launching her career in landscape architecture, as well as working to fight climate change through the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation.", "articles": [ "5090408757186389990.html", "8325046883770820582.html" ] }, { "title": "Back in September of this year, Rockstar added roles to Red Dead Online. These roles greatly improved the game, giving players something to work towards and also offered players new content and abilities to unlock while earning some in-game cash. 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"8604986417244367548.html", "675785260636072991.html", "2875825629107694342.html", "2077921860219936336.html", "7324224459575294036.html", "4740742017777978993.html", "675785259825605877.html", "1491978795607722584.html", "7193318760705514808.html", "265863475319624660.html", "7097669637557351050.html", "8288260685521534230.html", "1491978794757721850.html", "8288260685993157814.html", "6469275854463352184.html", "7967730563134225398.html", "3480199991672533669.html", "7324224459218711205.html", "970161748899706499.html", "5894610845756460166.html", "7421817125154170948.html", "149215355367219629.html", "8196011179364847384.html", "4415806918346425650.html", "8917853138560109514.html" ] }, { "title": "LAUSANNE, Switzerland — Russia was slapped Monday with a four-year ban from international sports events, including next summer’s Tokyo Olympics, over a longstanding doping scandal, although its athletes will still be able to compete if they can show they are clean competitors.", "articles": [ "4293652947015472760.html", "6669504244694342561.html" ] }, { "title": "The Uttar Pradesh government on Monday cleared a proposal to set up 218 fast-track courts to hear cases of sexual crimes committed against women and children, PTI reported.", "articles": [ "8669301692643200603.html", "6679535025859710528.html" ] }, { "title": "Picture the scene.", "articles": [ "505417273681137710.html", "505417274711527221.html" ] }, { "title": "By: Careers Desk | New Delhi | Updated: December 9, 2019 7:11:55 pm", "articles": [ "2885715105495356041.html", "2885715105483267629.html" ] }, { "title": "Following the rearrest and continuous detention of Omoyele Sowore, the Wole Soyinka Centre for Investigative Journalism (WSCIJ) says it has postponed the integrity award to be presented to Vice-President Yemi Osinbajo to protest against the actions.", "articles": [ "4125100340771739102.html", "7513571674541601976.html" ] }, { "title": "MOUNT HUTT: Almost 1,000 tourists were stranded in New Zealand\u0027s South Island on Monday (Dec 9) after wild storms cut highways, washed away bridges and flooded the rugged landscape.", "articles": [ "5644198863353887564.html", "4125100339004278419.html", "5315658998392020385.html", "8204772969260878601.html", "4415806918889251468.html" ] }, { "title": "SYDNEY: Volunteers in the New Zealand city of Rotorua are preparing two dozen white-lined coffins to be transported to Samoa at the end of the week as the measles-ravaged Pacific island nation languishes under a growing death toll that has now hit 70.", "articles": [ "5644198864225668291.html", "5644198862693415324.html" ] }, { "title": "Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will travel to Washington to meet for talks with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on December 10, the U.S. State Department has said in a brief statement.", "articles": [ "5891794163529041842.html", "830332542472094419.html", "5644198862532593910.html", "2027555797358524682.html", "1570469242124782434.html" ] }, { "title": "The book accuses Raila of playing tricks on NASA co-principals", "articles": [ "3606876835199014327.html", "3304128543002092515.html" ] }, { "title": "BEIJING: Recent US legislation on Xinjiang is a severe violation of international law and gross interference in China\u0027s internal affairs, the governor of the far western region said on Monday (Dec 9), accusing the United States of launching a smear campaign.", "articles": [ "5644198862252518893.html", "8119004128337253023.html", "1570469240652422297.html" ] }, { "title": "LONDON -- Britain is facing the most testing and significant period in its modern history since World War II.", "articles": [ "2422791598697385032.html", "7786541637735792800.html", "6395891953714175110.html" ] }, { "title": "Algiers,", "articles": [ "7421817125430914033.html", "3752801378560892465.html", "6642629761841771276.html" ] }, { "title": "A 55-year-old man died of a heart attack after he suddenly fell sick while waiting in queue to purchase onions at Gudivada in Krishna district on Monday. Sambaiah came to the farmers\u0027 market (Rythu Bazaar) to purchase onions, being sold by the state government at a subsidised price of Rs 25 a kg, but suddenly collapsed. According to sources, local people tried to rush him to hospital but Sambaiah died on the way. Doctors confirmed that he died of a heart attack. The Telugu Desam Party sought to raise the issue in the Assembly in the afternoon but was disallowed. TDP president N Chandrababu Naidu questioned why the government did not make a statement on the man\u0027s death. \"A man died, standing in queue to buy onions. Why did the government not come out with a statement on this,\" Naidu asked at a press conference. He also asked why the village volunteers, appointed by the government to deliver various services at the people\u0027s doorstep, failed to deliver onions. The retail price of onions was at Rs 110-160 per kg in the state on Monday, according to market sources.", "articles": [ "4286117813605313356.html", "6679535025589585299.html", "6679535026017464786.html", "6041804858890914431.html", "7881006363685847868.html" ] }, { "title": "In a bizarre incident, the start of a Ranji Trophy match between Vidarbha and Andhra on Monday was delayed by a few minutes after a snake entered the ground here.", "articles": [ "6679535026196857551.html", "7324224460565818915.html", "6141642775101222435.html", "4415806919468952828.html" ] }, { "title": "The European Union is about to get another female leader.", "articles": [ "2584151345690920813.html", "1202843882573375921.html", "1145527432720742589.html", "8119004130226797662.html", "140598092527273772.html", "4718288653111647128.html", "5090408756681114773.html", "8325046883265545365.html", "6642629763741379269.html", "2511519172199595801.html", "707176889466034350.html", "8204772967296555354.html", "8257973865746358333.html", "967333869617000658.html", "7318238120593316724.html", "8669301694057540879.html", "8383944808244123632.html", "5848147785697939358.html", "6141642774503398364.html", "4500271767894481441.html", "3480199992421817308.html", "6446904417545990726.html" ] }, { "title": "After crying on social media over the failure of Cardi B to meet her and other top Ghanaian celebrities, video vixen, and actress Rosemond Brown popularly known as Akuapem Poloo has finally gotten her prayers answered.", "articles": [ "8986860742204145060.html", "8689748847577292101.html" ] }, { "title": "A report in the latest issue of Modern Ships praises the Chinese multiple launch rocket system called the Type PCL191 as the most cutting-edge piece of weaponry capable of firing both rockets and ballistic missiles. The modular launcher appears to be based on the AR3 system intended for the export market.", "articles": [ "4125648318196855787.html", "967333868276640432.html" ] }, { "title": "One episode in and \"Crisis on Infinite Earths\" has already lived up to its promise as the biggest, most ambitious television crossover event of all time, gathering the heroes from across DC\u0027s entire history of TV and film.", "articles": [ "1295516962419785958.html", "1295516962217889897.html", "1295516962772247368.html" ] }, { "title": "The troops of Operation Lafiya Dole deployed at Malam Fatori in Abadam local government area of Borno State have killed at least eight Boko Haram insurgents during raids on the terrorists’ hideouts in the area.", "articles": [ "4125100340271175062.html", "5544636822512486695.html" ] }, { "title": "SEOUL, South Korea: North Korean leader Kim Jong Un opened a new mountain spa and ski resort that’s intended for people to enjoy “high civilization under socialism” in another example of the country using tourism exemptions in sanctions to build revenue for its broken economy.Kim cut the ribbon during the ceremonial opening of the Yangdok Hot Spring Cultural Recreation Center and praised his soldiers for creating a “miracle and prefect edifice” that serves the ruling party’s efforts to guide people to modern civilization, a state media report said.North Korea’s state TV showed aerial footage of the resort, including its red-roofed hotels, hot spring spas, ski slope and horse-riding park.The broadcast showed thousands of soldiers and flag-waving civilians and children welcoming Kim at the site, which he visited at least four times this year, according to state media. He smiled as he toured the facilities, which included a solo chairlift ride above the ski slope.“(Kim) hardly repressed his happiness, saying that it has become possible to provide people with new culture, and one more plan of the Party to make our people enjoy high civilization under socialism as early as possible has come true,” Pyongyang’s official Korean Central News Agency said.The Yangdok resort, which the North began building last year, has been one of Kim’s major development projects along with another mountain resort recently completed in the northern town of Samjiyon and a summer resort being built in the coastal town of Wonsan.North Korea also last week announced the creation of a company dedicated to creating medical tourism services to foreign visitors at the country’s hot spring spas and state-run hospitals, where they will be able to receive cataract surgeries, dental implants and breast tumor treatments.North Korea has also demanded South Korea tear down its hotels and other facilities at the North’s Diamond Mountain resort after Kim declared thatthe country would redevelop the site on its own. The announcement came after months of frustration over the South’s unwillingness to defy U.S.-led sanctions and restart South Korean tours to the resort, which were suspended in 2008 after a North Korean guard fatally shot a South Korean tourist.Tourism is excluded from the heavy sanctions the U.N. Security Council has imposed on the North over its nuclear weapons program, which includes a full ban on key exports like coal, textile and seafood and strict limitations on oil imports. The sanctions also require all U.N. members to repatriate all North Korean laborers based in their countries by December. Related Articles N. Korea believed to test new rocket engine to provoke US North Korea says it’s up to US to choose ‘Christmas gift’ Kim again rides horse up sacred peak as nuke deadline nears", "articles": [ "2220466264028279959.html", "7786541636884320704.html", "8383944809469691508.html", "7654946767954346187.html", "6395891953220392817.html" ] }, { "title": "Sri Lanka were dealt a major blow ahead of their two-Test series against Pakistan starting December 11 with bowling spearhead Suranga Lakmal ruled out of the tour due to dengue.", "articles": [ "7150386082907992807.html", "1202843881387777852.html", "6060938663291968446.html", "2885715105788357970.html", "5644198863709752586.html" ] }, { "title": "A Southern California man has been arrested after posting graphic YouTube videos shot at a downtown San Diego hotel in which he appears to be practicing for a mass shooting with assault-style weapons.", "articles": [ "7362823821200535909.html", "6439870258939507406.html" ] }, { "title": "On Saturday evening, a Manchester City fan was filmed making a monkey gesture at Manchester United’s Fred, with his side 2-0 down at the Etihad.", "articles": [ "4194553101221381542.html", "3042160500265906001.html" ] }, { "title": "Christine McGuinness was the ‘proudest mummy’ after managing to put up her first Christmas tree in years around her young children.", "articles": [ "970161747112769731.html", "970161748094440010.html", "970161748100248541.html", "970161748261343354.html", "970161747901118790.html", "970161748826767027.html", "970161746995177586.html", "970161747035770307.html", "970161748180134189.html", "970161747261569367.html", "970161748360703381.html", "970161747034570571.html", "970161748928082053.html", "970161747603817330.html", "970161747235302465.html" ] }, { "title": "Hong Kong,", "articles": [ "7421817125665564941.html", "5644198864162709844.html" ] }, { "title": "Mexico City (AFP) - Mexico\u0027s foreign minister said Sunday the country would not accept a US proposal for steel and aluminum production under the new trade deal, saying it would leave Mexico at a disadvantage.", "articles": [ "7097669637274310770.html", "8374351513242859904.html" ] }, { "title": "ISLAMABAD: National Accountability Bureau (NAB) Chairman Justice (retd) Javed Iqbal on Monday said that the accountability watchdog has prepared references against alleged malfeasance in Peshawar Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project and Malam Jabba forest land scams.", "articles": [ "6621510369122553475.html", "8831095138195705296.html", "5863268919201633459.html" ] }, { "title": "The shooting of four gang-rape and murder suspects by Indian police has highlighted the scourge of extrajudicial killings in a nation grappling with high levels of sexual crimes and a notoriously slow judicial process.", "articles": [ "6642629763720404094.html", "5644198863875979602.html", "7421817124415664502.html", "1105816786150837866.html" ] }, { "title": "The ruling BJP led by Chief Minister B.S. Yediyurappa firmed up its majority in the Karnataka Assembly with a victory in 12 out of 15 constituencies that went to bypolls. The results declared on Monday saw Congress managing to win just two seats, while Janata Dal (Secular) drew a blank.", "articles": [ "6679535025726523071.html", "6679535024728469528.html" ] }, { "title": "BJP lawmaker Manoj Tiwari on Monday claimed that Rehan, owner of the floor of the building which was engulfed by a massive fire in Anaj Mandi area, is said to be an Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) worker.", "articles": [ "4286117814084120005.html", "6679535025135587589.html", "6679535026012995793.html" ] }, { "title": "Peter Dada, Akure", "articles": [ "3524240995451321662.html", "4125100340662808489.html" ] }, { "title": "Crime and policing continue to be key battlegrounds in this year’s General Election.", "articles": [ "6141642774429644352.html", "7324224459894240832.html" ] }, { "title": "It takes a lot of diligence and dedication to retire early as a self-made millionaire.", "articles": [ "8325046883799665509.html", "5090408757215234917.html" ] }, { "title": "Former Vice President Dick Cheney warned Monday that “American disengagement” in the Middle East will benefit only Iran and Russia, indirectly criticizing President Donald Trump’s pledges to pull forces out of the region.", "articles": [ "1431421788468640649.html", "2220466263144483026.html" ] }, { "title": "VIENNA (Sputnik) - The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has not received any invitation from Pyongyang to visit the Nyongbyon Nuclear Scientific Research Centre, the new director-general of the organisation, Rafael Grossi, has said in an interview.", "articles": [ "967333868284158322.html", "8257973865300847366.html" ] }, { "title": "The Irish Government is “clear” that if the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement is ratified goods moving between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, in both directions, will require to be checked, Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Simon Coveney, has said.", "articles": [ "8204772968075973588.html", "7595237278279938779.html" ] }, { "title": "Johannesburg - The SACP looks set to rally behind President Cyril Ramaphosa\u0027s leadership of the ANC.", "articles": [ "17825111196840216.html", "8834711023846352520.html" ] }, { "title": "The speaker is said to have left the country last night", "articles": [ "3606876836670835865.html", "8634838154500776489.html" ] }, { "title": "An earthquake has struck Tuscany north of Florence, damaging buildings and sending frightened people fleeing into the street in the middle of the night.", "articles": [ "124328111968734736.html", "6395891953333554095.html" ] }, { "title": "Femi Adesina, presidential spokesman, says millions of Nigerians are not bothered about the rearrest of Omoyele Sowore, convener of Revolution Now.", "articles": [ "7513571674529599187.html", "5544636821999003085.html" ] }, { "title": "BioShock is officially coming back, 2K announced today, and it will be thanks to the newly formed studio Cloud Chamber.", "articles": [ "3677959679281000762.html", "9149753395779040567.html", "29040143611465483.html", "6447108927035615185.html" ] }, { "title": "Disabled workers have received a significant boost for their superannuation prospects with the Fair Work Commission delivering a better deal for low-income earners with disability.", "articles": [ "5848147785860595811.html", "6890797930023746444.html" ] }, { "title": "Thousands of workers have already protested the privatisation of BPCL, fearing job losses, as India plans to invite international energy firms to participate in the privatisations", "articles": [ "1145527432489468926.html", "1502508926629028583.html" ] }, { "title": "Harry Dunn’s parents will fly back out to the US this week as they attempt to bring a private criminal prosecution against the US suspect in the case, their spokesman has said.", "articles": [ "6141642774149407003.html", "3480199992067825947.html", "7324224459614003483.html" ] }, { "title": "The Indian women’s team won its third consecutive gold medal at the South Asian Games after triumphing 2-0 over Nepal in the summit clash of the 2019 edition, in Pokhara, Nepal, on Monday.", "articles": [ "8669301693459094937.html", "7150386084041032566.html", "6060938664260651378.html" ] }, { "title": "Russia has been banned from the Olympics and other major world championships, after sporting officials decided to punish it for tampering with doping-related laboratory data in another blow to its already tarnished sporting reputation.", "articles": [ "2131266986964398265.html", "8119004129539375147.html", "2658445900982845202.html", "8582716287282206510.html", "4125100340660400187.html" ] }, { "title": "Rohingya Muslims demanded Myanmar be held to account at the United Nations\u0027 top court in The Hague, where Myanmar leader and Nobel peace prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi is set to defend the country against charges of genocide of the minority community.", "articles": [ "8119004129406834252.html", "8334514180439736319.html" ] }, { "title": "New Delhi (Sputnik): Thousands of people are arrested annually across India for manufacturing and supplying illegal firearms, particularly those who have set up production centres in the country’s Uttar Pradesh and Bihar states, parts of which border Nepal and Bangladesh that have significant markets for such weapons.", "articles": [ "967333868809527659.html", "2023829370695027105.html", "7653256038241480418.html", "6679535026258154684.html", "1502508926454268859.html" ] }, { "title": "A United Nations expert on the freedom of expression said he has urged Ethiopian officials to stop shutting down the internet.", "articles": [ "6630243980059177389.html", "7786541637205081131.html" ] }, { "title": "Update 12/09/2019 3:27pm:", "articles": [ "1404406306603704537.html", "1404406306835939519.html" ] }, { "title": "The United States Justice Department\u0027s internal watchdog will release a highly anticipated report on Monday that is expected to reject President Donald Trump\u0027s claims that the Russia investigation was illegitimate and tainted by political bias from FBI leaders. But it is also expected to document errors during the investigation that may animate Trump supporters.", "articles": [ "6642629762508696558.html", "1799505149390677588.html", "8204027953733617513.html" ] }, { "title": "Cuddalore: Forget flowers, now onions are becoming the most sought after and valuable gifts at weddings ! Yes, given that onions have become so pricey, a group of friends in Tamil Nadu’s Cuddalore, came up with an unusual gift-a bouquet of onions, to present at a wedding.", "articles": [ "7150386084130814049.html", "2885715104718132187.html" ] }, { "title": "Paul Volcker, the 12th Chairman of the Federal Reserve and a legendary economist, died Sunday at the age of 92.", "articles": [ "5090408757091557878.html", "8325046883675988470.html" ] }, { "title": "- A social media user has recounted his experience while boarding a bike in Lagos", "articles": [ "3764253649522529827.html", "3764253649833777007.html", "3764253650932737017.html" ] }, { "title": "The Delhi High Court Monday declined to order linking of social media accounts with Aadhaar, PAN or voter ID card for weeding out fake accounts, saying it would lead to data of genuine account holders, who are much more in number, going \"unnecessarily\" to foreign countries.", "articles": [ "1502508924973589502.html", "7653256036468703206.html" ] }, { "title": "Pati Patni Aur Woh \u0026 Panipat released at the Box Office the previous Friday. While PPAW starring Kartik Aaryan, Ananya Panday \u0026 Bhumi Pednekar opened well and continued on Saturday and Sunday with good jumps, Panipat remained low despite regular jumps.", "articles": [ "5184275670099682587.html", "2885715105439827986.html", "7881006363251528945.html", "5184275670391887127.html" ] }, { "title": "China has claimed that Uighurs and other minorities believed to be detained in Xinjiang have been freed, repeating claims made previously but offering no evidence of their release.", "articles": [ "8204772968252695714.html", "1491978794842023559.html" ] }, { "title": "Police registered a case on Monday after a young woman died in Ahmed Sial, a city in Jhang district, after allegedly being set ablaze by her husband and his accomplices.", "articles": [ "4500271766825113542.html", "4718288653099955917.html" ] }, { "title": "The fact that the José Miguel Agrelot Coliseum was shot up and its facade destroyed has faced Puerto Rico with its institutional vulnerability within the climate of public insecurity and has projected our island in a hostile violent scenario for the rest of the world.", "articles": [ "2512554310128816930.html", "2512554310291769516.html" ] }, { "title": "Serial rapist Joseph McCann has been given 33 life sentences with a minimum term of 30 years, after his monstrous attacks on women and children.", "articles": [ "7727211172851382456.html", "6469275855239202784.html", "6446904417361949887.html", "4415806919534945297.html", "3480199991404201641.html", "4778851489944345000.html" ] }, { "title": "Coast Mountain Bus Company has announced that it will not be increasing bus service in response to the planned strike by CUPE 7000, the union representing 900 SkyTrain workers.", "articles": [ "4620958498327461155.html", "4620958497845877605.html" ] }, { "title": "Godwin Isenyo, Kaduna", "articles": [ "3524240994753524487.html", "4125100338751825521.html", "2658445900417662348.html" ] }, { "title": "Russia has been embroiled in doping scandals since a 2015 report commissioned by the World Anti-Doping Agency found evidence of mass doping in Russian athletics", "articles": [ "1145527430762877810.html", "8912634264052870230.html", "682566034262424927.html", "4566489171748868708.html", "7580308505605935118.html", "1202843880922406167.html", "2422791598870440627.html", "4089046912067180815.html", "3480199992289476474.html", "7324224459835654010.html", "6673764366663211903.html", "7327811148512141645.html", "8300010440872075597.html" ] }, { "title": "A POTENTIALLY LIFE-saving defibrillator that was stolen from outside a shop in Drogheda, Co Louth has been found.", "articles": [ "6446904418482460582.html", "4415806919481713721.html" ] }, { "title": "Labour has dominated the political landscape of Wales for generations. The party has won the most votes and the most seats there in every one of the last 26 general elections.", "articles": [ "6141642773667329561.html", "3480199991585748505.html" ] }, { "title": "The Delhi High Court on Monday allowed the Centre more time to file a response to a plea for framing of a uniform civil code (UCC) to promote national integration and gender justice, equality and dignity of women.", "articles": [ "1502508925605047590.html", "7653256038484862504.html" ] }, { "title": "A drunk raccoon stumbled around a Christmas market in Germany on Saturday, according to police, who said the furry creature tripped around until it eventually fell asleep — before it was shot by a local hunter.", "articles": [ "7362823821485191351.html", "124328111829436091.html", "2511519170738239704.html" ] }, { "title": "Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated in November after a meeting with his US counterpart Donald Trump in Washington that Ankara might purchase US Patriot systems, but it considers the US requests to get rid of Russia\u0027s air defence systems S-400 an infringement of its sovereignty.", "articles": [ "967333868698026210.html", "4125648316609726767.html" ] }, { "title": "MEMBERS of a gang which was planning a major crime in Glasgow involving guns and Royal Mail uniforms were today jailed for a total of 18 years and three months.", "articles": [ "6609127673352231381.html", "552235480218308510.html" ] }, { "title": "After battling with Pneumonia for almost a month, legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar was discharged from the hospital on Sunday.", "articles": [ "6060938663493607414.html", "7601703244674499653.html" ] }, { "title": "WENDELL, N.C. -- George J. Laurer, the man who invented the Universal Product Code (UPC) and called Wendell his home died Thursday. He was 94. The groundbreaking electrical engineer worked at IBM for over three decades and produced over a dozen patents for scanning and computer memory devices. One of those included one of the first handheld wand scanners for reading barcodes, according to the Strickland Funeral Home and Crematory. According to IBM, Lauer was drafted by the Army while he was still in 11th grade. He went on to serve in World War II. After the war, he attended technical school to learn radio and TV repair, but his instructors quickly recognized his skill and told him he needed to go to college for engineering instead. According to a biography at his alma mater (University of Maryland), he received the Raleigh (NC) Inventor of the Year award in 1976. Laurer\u0027s most famous creation, the UPC was created initially for a group of grocery stores. However, it would go on to revolutionize nearly all commerce industries around the world. More than four decades later, UPC is still widely used. Laurer\u0027s funeral is set for Monday morning in Wendell.", "articles": [ "8300010441406693724.html", "7327811149046759772.html" ] }, { "title": "Russia has been banned from the 2020 Olympics and the 2022 football World Cup.", "articles": [ "5894610845130935269.html", "7324224459591602849.html", "3480199992045425313.html" ] }, { "title": "Key Point: We\u0027ll probably never know what happened.", "articles": [ "7097669638423086243.html", "7207864703445686054.html" ] }, { "title": "A PhD student at Stanford got a big surprise on Friday night.", "articles": [ "8325046883896733268.html", "6060062401081060948.html" ] }, { "title": "Berlin Zoo’s giant panda twins have been named Meng Xiang and Meng Yuan, which translate into “desired dream” and “fulfilled dream”.", "articles": [ "6141642774342074612.html", "5858657120107623383.html", "4415806920255887688.html", "3480199992260493556.html", "7324224459806671092.html" ] }, { "title": "President Uhuru Kenyatta was on Monday, December 9, appointed the new chairman of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP).", "articles": [ "8634838153314302690.html", "3606876836201784224.html" ] }, { "title": "The World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) has handed a four-year ban to Russia over the nation\u0027s attempts to breach the governing body\u0027s policy. The ban means that Russia will not be allowed to take part in the upcoming global events, which includes the Tokyo Olympics 2020.", "articles": [ "1601194027856704327.html", "6679535025421200496.html", "3082304905205057638.html", "1950426314071948049.html" ] }, { "title": "Ademola Tayo, the vice-chancellor of Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, has described the recent viral sex video involving two former students of the institution as dirty.", "articles": [ "3194590662263815674.html", "3194590662587316968.html", "3194590661946685687.html", "3194590662029621638.html" ] }, { "title": "Councils are being criticised for not publishing details of any political donations given to their councillors.", "articles": [ "7635722258251831824.html", "4415806919127777213.html" ] }, { "title": "As we get ever closer to The Game Awards 2019 taking place later this week, more and more news seems to be spilling out about the event. This time, the show\u0027s creator has noted that Sonic the Hedgehog may be making an appearance.", "articles": [ "5246707017870450355.html", "5545714966265395165.html", "5246707018981792088.html" ] }, { "title": "SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California is fining the nation’s largest pharmacy health care provider a record $3.6 million for failing to redeem deposits on bottles and cans at some of its locations, regulators said Monday.", "articles": [ "5858657120301406117.html", "9121942836952603111.html" ] }, { "title": "Bokaro, Dec 09: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday cautioned the people of Jharkhand against the Congress and its allies and alleged that they have intentions to push the state to uncertainty and darkness.", "articles": [ "2023829372522707464.html", "7653256036931770906.html" ] }, { "title": "Dec. 9 (UPI) -- Democratic investigators began to detail their impeachment case against President Donald Trump at a hearing on Capitol Hill Monday, presenting evidence to the House judiciary committee.", "articles": [ "8257973865369738150.html", "8257973865187404226.html" ] }, { "title": "Hindi Livinus, Yola", "articles": [ "3524240995131102523.html", "7513571675929973565.html" ] }, { "title": "France\u0027s transport chaos deepened Monday on the fifth day of a nationwide strike over pension reforms, ramping up tensions at the start of a crucial week in President Emmanuel Macron\u0027s battle with trade unions.", "articles": [ "7580308505698968908.html", "7097669637967053438.html" ] }, { "title": "The government is unlikely to make a direct intervention to resolve the issue between JNU administration and students protesting against hike in hostel fees, official sources said on Monday.", "articles": [ "1502508925795170994.html", "2023829372574988171.html", "7150386083869005544.html", "2885715104304851562.html", "7150386084791844734.html", "7150386083798179119.html" ] }, { "title": "Senior Congress leader and former Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Monday resigned as the Congress Legislature Party leader, taking moral responsibility for the party\u0027s poor show in the assembly bypolls.", "articles": [ "1502508925534276499.html", "7653256036894938567.html", "2027555797887635195.html" ] }, { "title": "The BJP will not indulge in Operation Kamala, but Opposition parties MLAs are welcome to join the party, state BJP president Nalin Kumar Kateel said on Monday.", "articles": [ "2027555797615802896.html", "2027555797888799332.html", "7881006363315214786.html" ] }, { "title": "The Ilorin Zonal office of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission says it has recovered N3.6 billion and 10 houses from suspected looters.", "articles": [ "2658445901632869815.html", "7580308505686910358.html" ] }, { "title": "An aristocrat and his estranged wife who disagree over where they should stage a fight over money have begun the latest round of an Anglo-Scottish legal battle which has spanned more than four years.", "articles": [ "6141642774448473514.html", "140598092624135172.html", "4778851489423365965.html", "124328111197462389.html" ] }, { "title": "CHICOPEE, Mass. (AP) - More than a century ago, waves of Catholic immigrants from Ireland, Poland and Quebec settled in Chicopee and other western Massachusetts mill towns, helping build churches, rectories and schools to accommodate their faith. Today the priests leading those churches are under siege due to stresses, challenges and sex abuse scandals complicating their lives and those of their fellow priests across the United States.", "articles": [ "7786541637576448801.html", "7097669637079076621.html" ] }, { "title": "John Lennon’s wife Yoko Ono has marked the 39th anniversary of the Beatles legend death by revealing she still feels “hollow” and misses him daily.", "articles": [ "5184275670329818543.html", "7105575298998537090.html" ] }, { "title": "Fikile Mbalula. Picture: GCIS", "articles": [ "410802300332470839.html", "8834711025067408750.html" ] }, { "title": "NEW DELHI - At least 43 people were killed Sunday in a devastating fire that ripped through a bag factory in the congested old quarter of the Indian capital New Delhi, with survivors describing the screams of workers trapped inside. Police and fire officials said they had rescued at least 58 people and did not expect to find more bodies. The blaze was the worst in Delhi since 59 movie-goers died in a cinema in 1997. The cause of the blaze is not yet known, but the city\u0027s poor planning and lax enforcement of building and safety codes have often been blamed for such deadly incidents. The building\u0027s owner and manager were arrested Sunday, police told the Press Trust of India news agency. Tearful relatives spoke of receiving desperate calls from factory workers begging to be saved from the inferno in the poorly lit premises in the commercial hub of Sadar Bazar. The fire started around 5:00 am (23:30 GMT Saturday). A man named Musharaff who was trapped inside the four-story structure made a desperate phone call to ask that his children be looked after. \"Monu, brother, I am going to die today,\" he said in the recording of a call played by the ABP Hindi language news channel. \"Please take care of my kids. I can\u0027t breathe. There are so many others here. Just can\u0027t breathe,\" he kept repeating in Hindi, before finally breaking down. Authorities said they do not know if Musharaff was among the survivors. One man who did survive, Sabi Abbas, told AFP he had just finished work and was about to go to sleep in the factory\u0027s modest sleeping quarters when he heard screams from the third floor. \"I rushed to the floor and saw the wires were dangling and on fire as acrid smoke filled up the corridor,\" he said, adding that he ran out of the building with his wife and daughters. Such factories often provide sleeping quarters for poor workers, mostly migrant, who save money by bedding down at their workplaces. The building was home to several manufacturing units producing items including schoolbags and packing materials, which fueled the spread of the blaze, officials said. Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted that the fire was \"extremely horrific.\" Authorities promised they would provide financial assistance to victims\u0027 families and survivors. Locals said the factory, which also made purses and jackets, had just one entrance; 20 rooms on each floor were connected by a single internal stairway. \"Most of the casualties happened because of suffocation,\" witness Mohammed Khalil told AFP. \"After the fire, people didn\u0027t have any way to get out, and I believe many were asleep and because of the smoke, they got suffocated.\" Others told AFP they believed the fire started on the first floor, sparked by exposed wires, before spreading to an area where foam and plastic chairs were stored. Anxious relatives and friends gathered outside a nearby hospital morgue to identify the bodies. Naushad Ahmad was looking desperately for a missing friend, whom he was unable to reach on his mobile phone. \"I have been to the factory and this tragedy was waiting to happen,\" he told AFP. \"There was only one exit and entrance to the building... People didn\u0027t get a chance to escape.\" After searching for his father-in-law and brother-in-law for two hours, Sajjamuddin Ahmad discovered they were dead, he told AFP. Families of the victims said they were mostly migrant workers from Bihar, one of India\u0027s most impoverished states. Some of them were paid just 1,000 rupees ($14) a month, they said. The site had been operating without required fire safety clearances, Delhi\u0027s fire services director told the Press Trust of India. The news agency also said that more than 150 firefighters battled for nearly five hours to put out the blaze. -AFP", "articles": [ "6913978435485783096.html", "3802011523309490437.html" ] }, { "title": "The climate crisis and technological changes could shape a \"new generation of severe inequalities in human development,\" according to a U.N. report released Monday.", "articles": [ "8383944808657136094.html", "5578851438891159663.html", "2027555796228905985.html" ] }, { "title": "Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland is to meet American and Mexican officials in Mexico City on Tuesday amid reports a deal to revise the new North American free-trade agreement is close to completion.", "articles": [ "5858657119560847013.html", "7617512060766923744.html" ] }, { "title": "KAMPALA, Uganda (AP) - At least 26 people have been killed in floods unleashed by heavy rains in different parts of Uganda, the Red Cross said on Monday as authorities urged people in affected areas to relocate.", "articles": [ "7786541637130606223.html", "6630243978173497256.html", "6395891953813303992.html" ] }, { "title": "An Ohio legislator who said he had “no knowledge” of a rightwing Christian bill mill called Project Blitz is, in fact, the co-chair of the state branch of an organization behind the campaign.", "articles": [ "7097669638301617476.html", "1491978794613108206.html" ] }, { "title": "(CNN) - The Supreme Court on Monday rejected a challenge to a Kentucky law requiring doctors to describe ultrasound images and play fetal heartbeat sound to abortion seekers.", "articles": [ "830332542268594029.html", "5911730203050293680.html", "8372747777918286256.html" ] }, { "title": "NEW YORK (AP) - Presidential politics move fast. What we\u0027re watching heading into a new week on the 2020 campaign:", "articles": [ "7786541638283695699.html", "7193318760959778965.html" ] }, { "title": "Brussels: European Union foreign ministers debated Monday how to respond to a controversial agreement between Turkey and Libya that could give Turkey access to a contested economic zone across the Mediterranean Sea. The maritime border deal, endorsed by the Turkish parliament last week, has fueled tensions in Turkey’s long-running dispute with Greece, Cyprus and Egypt over oil and gas drilling rights in the eastern Mediterranean. Greece has already expelled the Libyan ambassador over it. Before chairing the meeting, new EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said that “it’s not a matter of sanctions today.” He said the ministers would study a “memorandum of understanding” agreed upon between Turkey and Libya, which was only made public in recent days. Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg said “it’s a little bit astounding how they split up the Mediterranean among themselves. We’ll have to see how we deal with it.” Greece, Cyprus, and Egypt, which lie between Turkey and Libya geographically, have blasted the accord as being contrary to international law. Some EU partners of Greece and Cyprus seem to agree. “The Netherlands is always a staunch supporter of the rule of international law, and we side with Greece,” said Dutch Foreign Minister Stef Blok. “International law should be upheld.” Although they are NATO allies, neighbors Greece and Turkey are divided by a series of decades-old issues, including territorial disputes in the Aegean Sea, and have come to the brink of war three times since the 1970s, including once over drilling rights in the Aegean.", "articles": [ "8912634263336692546.html", "7786541636692554324.html", "6395891954366805048.html", "7193318761451708095.html" ] }, { "title": "A wildlife conservationist and founder of a California animal sanctuary was hospitalized on Saturday after tigers pinned her to the ground and injured her.", "articles": [ "2422791597948661437.html", "4089046911800813913.html" ] }, { "title": "LAUSANNE: Russia faces a four-year ban from international sporting competitions, including the Olympic Games, when the World Anti-Doping Agency hold a crucial meeting in Lausanne.", "articles": [ "5644198862803431090.html", "8669301692202785544.html", "7421817124686256695.html", "1105816785954690919.html" ] }, { "title": "Chima Azubuike, Gombe", "articles": [ "3524240996042718005.html", "2658445901826704037.html" ] }, { "title": "1 / 3The candidate for the next Prime Minister of Finland, Sanna Marin, smiles after she won the SDP\u0027s Prime Minister candidate vote against Antti Lindtman, in Helsinki, Finland, Sunday, Dec. 8, 2019. A 34-year-old minister and lawmaker has been tapped to become Finland\u0027s youngest prime minister ever and its third female government head, replacing former Cabinet leader who resigned Tuesday. (Vesa Moilanen/Lehtikuva via AP)", "articles": [ "7097669638605775750.html", "7786541636672729127.html", "1502508926271078800.html", "7193318762082659595.html" ] }, { "title": "PENSACOLA, Fla. (AP) — The Saudi gunman who killed three people at the Pensacola naval base had apparently gone on Twitter shortly before the shooting to blast U.S. support of Israel and accuse America of being anti-Muslim, a U.S. official said Sunday as the FBI confirmed it is operating on the assumption the attack was an act of terrorism.", "articles": [ "5982769914561986035.html", "5911730202115034314.html", "7786541636963517452.html" ] }, { "title": "Chief Economic Adviser Krishnamurthy Subramanian on Monday said private investment was the key to economic growth and the recent cut in corporate tax rate was done to boost investments.", "articles": [ "6679535024445810915.html", "7653256036429369490.html", "2885715104448854162.html" ] }, { "title": "The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) in Niger State says 12 people died in an accident on Sunday at Sawmill village along Mokwa -Makera road in Mokwa Local Government Area of the state.", "articles": [ "5456729300259000748.html", "2658445901880908952.html", "3524240995645998123.html", "7580308504023524333.html" ] }, { "title": "PENSACOLA, Fla. - The motive behind a 21-year-old gunman\u0027s attack on Naval Air Station Pensacola still remains undetermined, but the FBI is treating it as \"an act of terror,\" a member of the agency said.", "articles": [ "830332542986947576.html", "8372747776746377409.html", "5911730201878384833.html" ] }, { "title": "The World Anti-Doping Agency has imposed a four-year ban on Russia using its flag, anthem and team names at Olympic and other major sports events.", "articles": [ "8538773402494178357.html", "7331508222151889973.html" ] }, { "title": "A Delhi Court on Monday (9 December) allowed Robert Vadra, businessman and Congress interim Chief Sonia Gandhi\u0027s son-in-law, to travel to Spain for medical treatment and business purposes.", "articles": [ "4977622829648868298.html", "7653256036934353763.html", "2027555797538275254.html" ] }, { "title": "TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran is ready for more prisoner swaps with the United States, the Cabinet spokesman said Monday even as he reiterated the Iranian leadership\u0027s stance that there will be no other negotiations between Tehran and Washington.", "articles": [ "7193318760970661277.html", "7097669637663237692.html" ] }, { "title": "The Saudi gunman who killed three people at the Pensacola naval base had apparently gone on Twitter shortly before the shooting to blast U.S. support of Israel and accuse America of being anti-Muslim, a U.S. official said Sunday as the FBI confirmed it is operating on the assumption the attack was an act of terrorism.", "articles": [ "1431421788824764079.html", "2027555797640834310.html", "7881006362883074880.html" ] }, { "title": "Jackhammers and cranes gather dust at half-built Qatari-funded hotel sites in a Saudi city hit hard by an abrupt diplomatic rupture, but signs of thawing cross-border ties are reviving economic hopes.", "articles": [ "4566489171438596012.html", "7097669637213579673.html" ] }, { "title": "Tokyo, It might be the most Japanese of political scandals: a furore over Prime Minister Shinzo Abe\u0027s guest list at a party to mark the annual cherry blossom season.", "articles": [ "1202843881323896538.html", "1799505149118635183.html", "2422791598135591982.html", "5644198862395079716.html" ] }, { "title": "BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:40 P.M.) – Syrian Arab Army (SAA) units, accompanied by Russian military police, entered a new strategic area that overlooks the Aleppo-Hasakah Highway after the withdrawal of the Turkish Army and their militant allies.", "articles": [ "4125648317013795994.html", "7097669637067613317.html", "1570469240520076506.html", "8334514181378919423.html" ] }, { "title": "The Enugu Electricity Distribution (EEDC) on Monday said that about nine communities were affected by the power outage resulting from vandalism of Enugwu-Ukwu 33KV line.", "articles": [ "4125100340039310984.html", "7580308505108673972.html" ] }, { "title": "American rapper, Cardi B’s arrival in the nation’s capital has really left most celebrities and Ghanaians alike in pains as some of them were snubbed in a supposed ‘meet and greet’ with her at the Kempinski hotel.", "articles": [ "8689748846724984023.html", "8689748846718381014.html" ] }, { "title": "Paul Volcker, the towering former Federal Reserve chairman who tamed U.S. inflation in the 1980s and decades later inspired tough Wall Street reforms in the wake of the global financial crisis, died on Monday at the age of 92, according to the New York Times, which quoted his daughter.", "articles": [ "1431421788491124194.html", "1570469242116826688.html" ] }, { "title": "When Ultra Music Festival was announced for Abu Dhabi earlier this year it caused quite a stir.", "articles": [ "1956550808504127503.html", "1956550809255841338.html" ] }, { "title": "It has been almost one month since James Gustaf Edward Le Mesurier was found dead outside his residence in Istanbul, but new footage calls to mind more questions than answers surrounding the former British intelligence official\u0027s death. Le Mesurier was a major figure behind the formation of the White Helmets, a Syrian non-profit which made a name for itself helping civilian victims of the Syrian conflict. His connections to Syria and the intelligence community brought his sudden death into headlines.", "articles": [ "8383944809201979671.html", "8383944809083518879.html" ] }, { "title": "Key point: Unable to import certain weapons, Taipei is considering building its own weapons systems.", "articles": [ "7207864703607258127.html", "7097669637268508998.html" ] }, { "title": "The Federal High Court, Abuja, on Monday, dismissed the application for bail variation filed by a British man, James Nolan.", "articles": [ "4125100340087701145.html", "5456729301123931750.html", "2658445901260013414.html", "1463511649333952358.html" ] }, { "title": "A meeting between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and German Chancellor Angela Merkel has started in Paris as part of a Normandy summit.", "articles": [ "6863008972083878699.html", "8257973865231599106.html", "8257973864393063708.html" ] }, { "title": "THE Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, zonal Office in Akwa Ibom State said it has so far recovered N300 million this year and convicted 60 persons in the state. Head of EFCC office in Akwa Ibom and the Cross River States, Mr Garuba Dugum who disclosed this yesterday in Uyo after the Anti-corruption Day walk said the feat was achieved between January and December 2019.", "articles": [ "4125100339908960770.html", "2658445900809187535.html" ] }, { "title": "Catherine Zeta-Jones has paid tribute to her father-in-law Kirk Douglas on his 103rd birthday.", "articles": [ "7324224460133044422.html", "8257973865258028769.html" ] }, { "title": "US Army", "articles": [ "7097669638679718115.html", "5575934301670113895.html", "6060062401094910567.html" ] }, { "title": "The Supreme Court Monday allowed construction activity in the Delhi-NCR region between 6 am and 6 pm, partially lifting its complete ban on it.", "articles": [ "2027555796049992940.html", "7881006363643463044.html" ] }, { "title": "The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) on Monday called on Nigerians and security agencies to join its effort at curbing the menace of oil pipeline vandalism in the country.", "articles": [ "4125100339796344556.html", "1463511649646727788.html" ] }, { "title": "The 2020 Golden Globes nominations were announced Monday morning, and fans of HBO’s “Euphoria” have plenty to be upset about.", "articles": [ "5090408756022774149.html", "8325046882607204741.html" ] }, { "title": "This Special Edition is available in our electronic magazine format. Please click here to download the pdf format.", "articles": [ "929763680454294954.html", "929763681501491357.html" ] }, { "title": "The protest against film Panipat for portraying king Surajmal in bad light escalated when protesters smashed window glasses of the Inox cinema hall here on Monday. Also, the show at Raj Mandir, the renowned cinema hall, was cancelled.", "articles": [ "5184275670913958436.html", "4286117812497176782.html" ] }, { "title": "The merger between Atlanta-based SunTrust and Winston-Salem, N.C.-based BB\u0026T has been completed, creating the nation\u0027s sixth-largest bank, serving about 10 million consumer households, officials of the combined company announced Monday.", "articles": [ "7786541636780654465.html", "6395891953884855196.html" ] }, { "title": "\"A lot of people talk about our crisis of capitalism,\" Matt Stoller announces early in the latest episode of \"Pitchfork Economics,\" \"but what\u0027s really going on is a crisis of monopoly.\"", "articles": [ "6060062400733688664.html", "5090408756964930392.html", "8325046883549360984.html" ] }, { "title": "By Nate Raymond", "articles": [ "7097669637059126129.html", "7097669638961011223.html" ] }, { "title": "When you\u0027re young, single and healthy, life insurance is probably the furthest thing from your mind. After all, you\u0027re in the prime of your life and have other expenses to think about. You\u0027re saving for retirement, a home, or investing for your future. Putting funds towards an event that is statistically unlikely to happen in the immediate future sounds like a waste of money.", "articles": [ "6060062399762214038.html", "8325046882577886358.html", "7680839747098848406.html" ] }, { "title": "In 2018-19, the actual CGST collection stood at Rs 4,57,534 crore as against the provisional estimate of Rs 6,03,900 crore for the year", "articles": [ "1145527430972315598.html", "7653256037671392297.html", "1502508924992589923.html" ] }, { "title": "Twelve-year-old Shukri Abdi drowned in June in the River Irwell in Bury, Lancashire", "articles": [ "1491978794672247636.html", "124328111262009764.html", "6694993428837608239.html", "675785261026833134.html" ] }, { "title": "The lawyer for British cave diver Vernon Unsworth has tweeted his indignation after Elon Musk won a defamation case on Friday for calling Unsworth “pedo guy.”", "articles": [ "5575934301218460968.html", "7680839747979892008.html" ] }, { "title": "— A petition started at Change.org is seeking to keep former NFL quarterback Michael Vick from being honored at the 2020 NFL Pro Bowl.", "articles": [ "8204027954765890959.html", "5536572205583978696.html" ] }, { "title": "The Supreme Court is scheduled to hear from Tuesday a batch of pleas challenging the constitutional validity of the Centre\u0027s abrogating the provisions of Article 370, which gave special status to erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir.", "articles": [ "1502508925560152088.html", "7653256036753701688.html" ] }, { "title": "The Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment, Richard Adebayo, said on Monday the Federal Government has initiated moves to secure a $500 million African Development Bank (AfDB) loan to fund technological innovation.", "articles": [ "4125100340723542643.html", "5544636822998333808.html" ] }, { "title": "SEATTLE (AP) — When an Iowa mother tried to take her child from her husband during an argument on a snowy sidewalk in 2015, an officer stepped in to stop the scuffle, then accidentally fired his gun as a dog approached. The bullet went through the woman’s arm and into her chest, killing her as her family watched in horror.", "articles": [ "1799505149015950239.html", "9048639191868876863.html" ] }, { "title": "President Muhammadu Buhari on Monday approved the composition of a new board for the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS), Muhammad Nami subject to Senate confirmation.", "articles": [ "2658445901099861456.html", "3524240995291326365.html", "5544636822149870173.html", "4125100339859476431.html", "1463511649689947123.html", "5456729301145419995.html", "5456729300741719956.html", "7513571675923211900.html" ] }, { "title": "Bengaluru: The ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Karnataka has registered a thumping victory in the bypolls, by winning 12 out of 15 seats. Meanwhile, the Congress won on two seats while one of the seats went to an Independent candidate.", "articles": [ "7150386083114279098.html", "2027555796499901739.html", "2023829371147353004.html" ] }, { "title": "A CRPF unit deployed for conducting Jharkhand Assembly polls has alleged that \"animal-like treatment\" was meted out to its troops and they were provided water from a water cannon for drinking and cooking purposes, official sources said on Monday.", "articles": [ "4286117813784988573.html", "2885715105618821070.html" ] }, { "title": "Paul Volcker, the former Federal Reserve chairman who in the early 1980s raised interest rates to historic highs and triggered a recession as the price of quashing double-digit inflation, died, according to his office.", "articles": [ "5982769914784306960.html", "7786541637885107739.html" ] }, { "title": "Paul Volcker, the former Federal Reserve chairman who broke the back of US inflation in the 1980s and three decades later led President Barack Obama’s bid to rein in the investment risk-taking of commercial banks, has died. He was 92.", "articles": [ "1502508925983443064.html", "1092550946238755918.html" ] }, { "title": "Iraqis turned out Monday to mourn a prominent activist gunned down the previous evening, the latest violent episode in anti-government demonstrations in which more than 450 people have died.", "articles": [ "3606876835776584843.html", "8912634263040689928.html", "4566489171891105174.html" ] }, { "title": "Malaysia should not have called its latest drone project a flying car, Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad admitted on Sunday (Dec 8).", "articles": [ "8325046883814086500.html", "5090408757229655908.html" ] }, { "title": "Counsel to Omoyele Sowore, Mr. Femi Falana, SAN, on Monday in an interview with TVC on its morning show “Your View: Let’s talk” revealed that President Muhammadu Buhari had in 2011 urged Nigerians to emulate and be prepared for a revolution like that of Egyptians which led to the death of over 800 people.", "articles": [ "4125100338971854109.html", "7513571675813472108.html" ] }, { "title": "PRISTINA, Kosovo (AP) - Kosovo and Albania say they will boycott the Nobel Literature Prize ceremony Tuesday to protest the award being given to Austrian writer Peter Handke who both countries link to the war in the former Yugoslavia.", "articles": [ "6395891953963054711.html", "7786541636716587290.html" ] }, { "title": "COLOMBO, Dec 9 — Sri Lanka has for the first time named a military officer to head the country’s main intelligence agency, which was blamed for failing to prevent Islamist extremist bombings in April that killed 259 people.", "articles": [ "302165935830947370.html", "1502508925425481961.html" ] }, { "title": "Subscribe", "articles": [ "7071196523766020056.html", "7071196524307610612.html" ] }, { "title": "A livid tycoon who used his local library to get online because his new £2.95 million apartment didn’t have broadband is suing the luxury block owners for £100,000.", "articles": [ "970161748414781017.html", "124328111013221469.html" ] }, { "title": "NEW DELHI: Indian Olympics Association (IOA) president Narinder Dhruv Batra on Monday met Home Minister Amit Shah and updated him on India\u0027s preparation for the next year\u0027s Tokyo Olympics.", "articles": [ "6060938663199523611.html", "8669301693974114289.html" ] }, { "title": "HALLANDALE BEACH, Fla. — A man was shot and wounded by police over the weekend following a vehicle chase in South Florida, authorities said.", "articles": [ "5858657120511657797.html", "9121942838149925125.html" ] }, { "title": "LUCKNOW: Police on Monday deployed round-the-clock protection and promised a weapons licence to the family of an alleged rape victim who died after being set on fire on the way to testify in court.", "articles": [ "1105816786847993139.html", "7580308504583601476.html" ] }, { "title": "Canadians who identify as visible minorities do not have the same access to investments and other sources of wealth as non-racialized people, suggests a new report on income inequality that looks at the financial impact of racism beyond jobs and wages.", "articles": [ "2864261459545156265.html", "5327740411451009705.html", "4297514367165393577.html" ] }, { "title": "TEHRAN: Iran said on Monday it is open to more prisoner swaps with the US while stressing an exchange at the weekend was not the result of formal negotiations with its arch-foe.", "articles": [ "1105816787883092392.html", "1570469241445946618.html", "2027555796585249312.html" ] }, { "title": "Labour wants to nationalise mail, water, energy distribution and supply, train operators and fibre broadband provision.", "articles": [ "6141642773399788824.html", "3480199991318207768.html", "7324224458864385304.html" ] }, { "title": "A student was left in \u0027excruciating pain\u0027 after he was hit on the head with a police baton during a protest, a hearing was told.", "articles": [ "124328111462746713.html", "1491978795024597134.html" ] }, { "title": "President Muhammadu Buhari is expected to depart Abuja Tuesday for Aswan, Egypt to attend the Aswan Forum designed to set “An Agenda for Sustainable Peace and Development in Africa.”", "articles": [ "4125100339389675455.html", "5456729299615329140.html", "2090029850476860965.html", "7513571674427070292.html" ] }, { "title": "\"Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker,\" the highly anticipated conclusion to the Skywalker saga, could trigger seizures in photosensitive people, Walt Disney Studios said.", "articles": [ "2422791597640687609.html", "830332542400519717.html" ] }, { "title": "This past weekend, Izanagi Games revealed the existence of Death Come True, a mysterious new project written and directed by Kazutaka Kodaka, the wild mind behind the dark Danganronpa series. Details at this juncture are quite sparse, but the studio has released a poster (which you can check out below). According to a translation by Gematsu, the text reads \"Is this a movie? or a game?\" followed by \"A story that begins by your choices\". This somewhat implies Death Come True might be in the style of similar FMV/live action games such as 428: Shibuya Scramble or the recent Telling Lies. Izanagi has also opened a teaser website, with a countdown clock pointing to 00:00 PT on December 10, when we can no doubt expect further details. I\u0027ve always had a soft spot for FMV games, ever since the heady days of the laserdisc arcade and its ill-advised early \u002790s resurgence, so I\u0027m looking forward to hearing more about Kodaka\u0027s latest venture into the surreal. Izanagi Games announces FMV game Death Come True [Gematsu]", "articles": [ "5545714967207733677.html", "8538862519327100017.html" ] }, { "title": "The Prime Minister said whilst his party are currently “not planning to get rid of all TV licence fees”, he is “certainly looking at it”.", "articles": [ "3480199992859503145.html", "7324224460405680681.html" ] }, { "title": "Deputy Senate President, Ovie Omo-Agege on Monday said, he had introduced a bill for comprehensive amendment of the Electoral Act No. 6 of 2010.", "articles": [ "1463511649397139229.html", "5456729299534705184.html", "4125100339072085608.html", "7580308504360871157.html" ] }, { "title": "9th December 2019", "articles": [ "5315658998902009677.html", "5315658999478271669.html", "5315658998855454358.html" ] }, { "title": "As the build-up to Thursday\u0027s General Election continues, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has dropped a bombshell on the campaign trail.", "articles": [ "8392972515723652934.html", "8392972517482242972.html" ] }, { "title": "The leaders of Ukraine, Russia, Germany and France are meeting in Paris to find a way to end the war in eastern Ukraine.", "articles": [ "6141642774593863863.html", "3480199992512282807.html", "7324224460058460343.html" ] }, { "title": "Campaigners for EU citizens have launched a scathing attack on Boris Johnson over his claims that EU nationals who made Britain their home have treated the UK like “their own” country for too long.", "articles": [ "1491978796294009131.html", "1491978795847474034.html" ] }, { "title": "At 34, Sanna Marin will become the world\u0027s youngest sitting prime minister when she is sworn in by the Finnish parliament on Tuesday, but she is far from lacking in political experience.", "articles": [ "4566489172345645917.html", "7595237278621104398.html" ] }, { "title": "The 35th anniversary of Pee-wee\u0027s Big Adventure is nigh. So, soon, you\u0027ll not only be able to see the 1985 hit film on the big screen, but you\u0027ll also get to hear never-before-shared stories about the movie from Pee-wee\u0027s creator, Paul Reubens. Yes, please, and thank you! Pee-wee\u0027s Big Adventure 35th Anniversary Tour with Paul Reubens is headed to 20 U.S. cities in early 2020.", "articles": [ "4601305170510894217.html", "6735490620225700071.html" ] }, { "title": "House Democrats have reached a tentative agreement with labour leaders and the White House over a rewrite of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade deal that has been a top priority for President Donald Trump.", "articles": [ "616068602590261263.html", "9048639192346489443.html" ] }, { "title": "The lead counsel to embattled former Nigerian presidential candidate and journalist Omoyele Sowore said that the Nigerian authorities reached out for a deal during Sowore’s first 45 days in detention.", "articles": [ "7580308505114358273.html", "3524240995846593154.html" ] }, { "title": "Governor Tamilisai Sounderarajan along with her husband P. Souderarajan visited the Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy temple here on Monday.", "articles": [ "6679535024730036508.html", "4718288655011353910.html" ] }, { "title": "–Student unions to ensure social and academic welfare, discipline on campuses", "articles": [ "6621510369117289373.html", "5863268917679446038.html" ] }, { "title": "Paul Volcker, who as Federal Reserve chairman in the early 1980s elevated interest rates to historic highs and triggered a recession as the price of quashing double-digit inflation, has died, according to his office.", "articles": [ "52741010231544145.html", "7193318762297837773.html" ] }, { "title": "The Democrats have claimed that Donald Trump could abuse his presidential powers again if he is not impeached over the \"brazen\" Ukraine scandal.", "articles": [ "140598092889232336.html", "7097669637391720136.html" ] }, { "title": "Advertisement", "articles": [ "2244788521546028082.html", "2244788521387380379.html" ] }, { "title": "A driver miraculously escaped unharmed after a tree fell on their car during Storm Atiyah.", "articles": [ "2875825629934056712.html", "2875825629848599345.html" ] }, { "title": "SEOUL (Reuters) - A South Korean court on Monday jailed three executives of Samsung Electronics (005930.KS) for their role in a plot that included burying computers under factory floors at its biotech affiliate, in an investigation of alleged accounting fraud.", "articles": [ "8334514180147084852.html", "5644198862247409657.html", "7097669637471823679.html" ] }, { "title": "Modern Family’s final Christmas episode is airing Dec. 11 and HollywoodLife is giving you three EXCLUSIVE photos to enjoy ahead of the episode. The Modern Family fam is coming together and dressing up in festive onesies for the occasion. That means everyone from Jay to the twins. The entire cast unites for one adorable holiday photo. In another photo, Haley and Dylan cuddle up to one of the twins.", "articles": [ "1852895045892045712.html", "1852895046456562094.html" ] }, { "title": "An 11th hour plea has been made for soldiers who fired shots at Ballymurphy to come forward, an inquest has heard.", "articles": [ "6141642774826685634.html", "4415806919568336255.html", "6446904417574273853.html", "7324224460291282114.html", "3480199992745104578.html" ] }, { "title": "As eyebrows were raised over their first joint public appearance after the fall of the 80-hour-long government last month, NCP leader Ajit Pawar on Monday said he and former CM Devendra Fadnavis discussed \"weather\" during the meeting.", "articles": [ "2027555797693788645.html", "7881006363521233547.html" ] }, { "title": "(CNN) - A three-judge federal appeals court panel appeared skeptical during oral arguments Monday about letting a group of more than 200 congressional Democrats sue President Donald Trump over foreign payments to his businesses.", "articles": [ "830332541909864949.html", "1799505149310529868.html" ] }, { "title": "Gully Boy, directed by Zoya Akhtar and produced by Ritesh Sidhwani and Farhan Akhtar has been one of the finest films of the year. The much acclaimed film starring Alia Bhatt and Ranveer Singh is India\u0027s official entry in the International Feature Film category at the 92nd Academy Awards and the makers of films are leaving no stone unturned to ensure their film makes a mark at the Oscars this year.", "articles": [ "6668806037067085732.html", "2885715105062811302.html" ] }, { "title": "Teni Apata popularly known as Teni Makanaki \u0026 The Entertainer will be live in concert as she thrills fans to an unforgettable experience this December in Lagos with the Billionaire Experience Concert.", "articles": [ "7580308504436992747.html", "2658445900351265652.html" ] }, { "title": "Paul Volcker, the Federal Reserve board chairman who vanquished the scourge of inflation that ravaged America’s prestige and power in the 1970s and early 1980s, has died at the age of 92.", "articles": [ "707176887982738340.html", "707176889608750382.html" ] }, { "title": "Bipartisan lawyers testified on findings by the special counsel and intelligence committee in second public session", "articles": [ "1491978794659190202.html", "7097669638981830758.html" ] }, { "title": "Dear Readers,", "articles": [ "8325046884069824205.html", "6060062401254151885.html" ] }, { "title": "Youth group, Girl Volunteers for Society (GVS), is running a “30-day cleaning campaign in Preah Sihanouk” to raise awareness among people in the province on proper waste disposal and management.", "articles": [ "4150766116095606781.html", "4150766116178654338.html" ] }, { "title": "VANCOUVER — The Law Society of British Columbia has moved to require Indigenous cultural competency training for all practising lawyers in the province, in response to gaps in legal education that the Truth and Reconciliation Commission identified.", "articles": [ "52741010506428382.html", "6669504244134490397.html", "2422791598108596091.html", "1209901973597796192.html", "5327740411674310496.html", "4297514367388694368.html", "2864261459768457056.html" ] }, { "title": "Nearly 300 people representing 9,095 families in Preah Sihanouk province on Monday filed a petition to the provincial administration seeking intervention in a long-running land dispute.", "articles": [ "4150766116006417623.html", "4150766115073850191.html" ] }, { "title": "LONDON (AP) - A 4-year-old boy in a Spider-Man top lying on a hospital floor took center stage Monday in Britain\u0027s election campaign, as the opposition painted his plight as a symptom of the country\u0027s ailing health system and branded Prime Minister Boris Johnson heartless for avoiding looking at his photo.", "articles": [ "6395891954367583944.html", "7786541636328193265.html" ] }, { "title": "Editors’ note: This is part of the Op-Eds From the Future series, in which science fiction authors, futurists, philosophers and scientists write Op-Eds that they imagine we might read 10, 50 or even 200 years from now. The challenges they predict are imaginary — for now — but their arguments illuminate the urgent questions of today and prepare us for tomorrow. The Opinion piece below is a work of fiction.", "articles": [ "1961078289384826691.html", "1961078288575589148.html" ] }, { "title": "This refers to “Building owner, manager arrested” (December 9). The fire in New Delhi in which killed 43 persons in a building is a stunning example of flouting of laws with gay abandon — a five-floor structure housing factories and and a host of other violations.", "articles": [ "1502508925802760819.html", "1502508925564086355.html" ] }, { "title": "Turkey has deported to France the “Islamic State matchmaker” who lured a British teen bride to Syria as part of a drive to send foreign fighters back to their countries of origin.", "articles": [ "7097669637060262221.html", "140598091326874034.html" ] }, { "title": "In The News is a roundup of stories from The Canadian Press designed to kickstart your day. Here is what\u0027s on the radar of our editors for the morning of Dec. 9.", "articles": [ "6669504245941681123.html", "52741008946496767.html" ] }, { "title": "MONCTON, N.B. — Kirby Morrill has loved sports since she was a young girl. At the University of New Brunswick, she was a rugby star, celebrated for her \"off-the-charts\" tackling. But for close to a decade she had dreamed of another physical achievement — hiking the 3,500-kilometre Appalachian Trail.", "articles": [ "52741010182227896.html", "2422791598602705874.html", "6669504244258722404.html" ] }, { "title": "The Nigerian Army says its troops have rescued 31 persons comprising 14 women and 17 children at Mantari, Malam Masari and Gabchari Villages in Bama Local Government Area (LGA) of Borno.", "articles": [ "7580308503736875387.html", "3524240995375227518.html" ] }, { "title": "KUNDUZ, Afghanistan (Reuters) - The 19-year-old Taliban deserter is haunted by the memory of the attack on a police checkpoint in northern Afghanistan in August.", "articles": [ "8334514180945340072.html", "7097669638848885693.html" ] }, { "title": "The Internet Service Providers’ Association (Ispa) has criticised a proposal by the Law Reform Commission of South Africa to require ISPs to block adult Web content, saying similar efforts have not worked elsewhere in the world.", 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Samir Nurkovic has revealed the dressing-down given to the Amakhosi players by a less-than-pleased Ernst Middendorp at half-time of the victory over Bloemfontein Celtic.", "articles": [ "682566035184829447.html", "3901337371085912544.html", "3901337371705833459.html" ] }, { "title": "THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: \"People, my father is not Courtney Walsh,\" is what Hayden Walsh has to keep reminding anyone who thinks that he is a progeny of one of West Indies\u0027 pace bowling greats.", "articles": [ "6060938663532244061.html", "2885715104787961231.html" ] }, { "title": "LONDON, United Kingdom, Dec 9 – Liverpool travel to Salzburg on Tuesday needing to avoid defeat to the confident Austrian champions to guard against an embarrassing Champions League group stage exit for the holders.", "articles": [ "7605153804576083939.html", "5644198863027775187.html" ] }, { "title": "Liverpool prepared for their Champions League game with Salzburg with a training session at Melwood in front of the cameras.", "articles": [ "7550115576437840775.html", "7550115575279220915.html" ] }, { "title": "Watford maintained their interest in Barcelona’s Jean-Clair Todibo after failing to sign him before the start of the season.", "articles": [ "200001551803747841.html", "7750663361443237886.html", "6461635055549911901.html" ] }, { "title": "Openers Tammy Beaumont and Danni Wyatt hit one-day international hundreds as England made a winning start against Pakistan in Malaysia.", "articles": [ "140598092591878535.html", "1491978795423959449.html" ] }, { "title": "Veteran opener Wasim Jaffer on December 9 became the first player in Indian cricket to feature in 150 Ranji matches.", "articles": [ "6679535024288803553.html", "8669301692758821257.html" ] }, { "title": "Nottingham Forest are reportedly showing an interest in signing Charlton Athletic striker Lyle Taylor.", "articles": [ "5149776702060179534.html", "5149776701686861094.html", "5149776702986410410.html", "5149776701830064345.html" ] }, { "title": 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role in the wake of intense criticism over her handling of the Israel Folau case.", "articles": [ "5644198863365394702.html", "8668874340464411402.html" ] }, { "title": "Tammy Abraham has emerged as Chelsea’s talisman thanks to a breakthrough season that has taken his side to the brink of the Champions League last 16.", "articles": [ "8669301692799443863.html", "7421817124838339582.html", "7580308504601375125.html", "682566034180196411.html" ] }, { "title": "LAUSANNE, Switzerland — The Russian flag and national anthem were banned from next year\u0027s Tokyo Olympics and other major sports events for four years on Monday.", "articles": [ "52741010548345521.html", "6395891953278681961.html", "7786541636530990265.html", "7786541637061310007.html" ] }, { "title": "BORUSSIA DORTMUND MIDFIELDER Axel Witsel will miss the rest of the year after needing surgery for a facial injury sustained in a fall at home, his club said Monday.", "articles": [ "5369852630329554781.html", "682566035755546642.html", "7580308505615201050.html" ] }, { "title": "Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) has saved the best for last, at least in terms of its pay-per-view (PPV) offerings, with this Sat. night’s (Dec. 14, 2019) UFC 245 “Usman vs. Covington” extravaganza from inside T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada, topped by three championship title fights.", "articles": [ "5892512947436237943.html", "5892512948079398179.html" ] }, { "title": "London - World individual time trail champion Rohan Dennis has signed a two-year deal with Team Ineos, the British cycling outfit announced on Monday.", "articles": [ "682566035232674061.html", "3082304907079289941.html" ] }, { "title": "It would be a grave understatement to say that Arsenal have one or two issues at present. The Gunners have not won a league match in two months, are just four points above the relegation zone, and have a myriad of tactical, technical and personnel-based flaws that they need to fix.", "articles": [ "5415845313967028843.html", "5415845313507622178.html" ] }, { "title": "Wolves have confirmed two fans were arrested for homophobic abuse at their game against Brighton and Hove Albion on Sunday evening.", "articles": [ "675785261796148461.html", "2875825629941703248.html" ] }, { "title": "Liverpool defender Dejan Lovren is among Liverpool\u0027s travelling party for their UEFA Champions League game away to Salzburg.", "articles": [ "7635722259050588306.html", "7550115575091474587.html" ] }, { "title": "Paris - Lionel Messi\u0027s delivered a La Liga record 35th hat-trick as Barcelona kept pace with Real Madrid, in-form Lazio inflicted a first defeat of the season on Juventus to muscle their way into the title picture, while Dutch league leaders Ajax slumped to a surprise home loss.", "articles": [ "682566035712063258.html", "3524240995376686405.html", "7580308504952991523.html" ] }, { "title": "Indianapolis Colts kicker Adam Vinatieri has been one of the most reliable players in the NFL for over two decades now. But the 46-year-old’s career could be over after a recent diagnosis.", "articles": [ "9122471848631765563.html", "7331508220991339565.html" ] }, { "title": "PHILADELPHIA -- Former NFL quarterback Michael Vick is expected to be honored by the league as one of the four \"legends captains\" at the 2020 Pro Bowl. Arguably one of the most talented former NFL players known for his speed and elusive style of play, the former Atlanta Falcons, Philadelphia Eagles, New York Jets and Pittsburgh Steelers served a 19-month federal prison sentence for dogfighting. A Change.org petition is now circulating calling on the NFL to revoke the honor. Over 380,000 people have signed the petition. Other petitions have also surfaced online since the news spread. The petition cites the cruel and inhumane killing of dogs that led to Vick\u0027s conviction. Fans are split. In an effort to redeem himself, Vick worked with the Humane Society of the United States and other animal organizations after serving his time. Some fans say that is not enough for them. \"Certain things you learn to forgive and forget, but to be a great person is to be all-inclusive and I don\u0027t think that\u0027s who he is. He had a lot of shortfalls,\" said Rabbi Barry Blum. While others believe Vick has paid his debt. \"I am a Michael Vick fan and I do believe if you served your time and paid your dues you should get what you deserve. What he did off the field--he paid for, and what he did on the field he should be rewarded for,\" said Eugene Stevens. The Pro Bowl is set for Jan. 26, 2020. The NFL has not commented on the petition.", "articles": [ "8300010439995936596.html", "7327811147888584059.html" ] }, { "title": "National champion Ankit Khatana (75kg) and rising star Kalaivani Srinivasan (48kg) led India to six boxing gold medals even as World Championships bronze medallist Manish Kaushik could only win a silver medal at the 13th South Asian Games in Kathmandu on Monday.", "articles": [ "8669301693741570250.html", "2885715104387308715.html", "6060938664740265027.html" ] }, { "title": "Jurgen Klopp has confirmed Gini Wijnaldum and Dejan Lovren are fit for Liverpool\u0027s clash with Red Bull Salzburg in the Champions League.", "articles": [ "2875825629626730780.html", "675785261729716030.html" ] }, { "title": "Paris Saint-Germain’s Ander Herrera has been cleared of corruption after a match-fixing investigation into a LaLiga match in 2011", "articles": [ "3082304906916155822.html", "4125100338823969799.html", "1601194027344082694.html" ] }, { "title": "Arsenal are in the market for a new manager following Unai Emery\u0027s sacking.", "articles": [ "675785260869187827.html", "2875825628720755663.html" ] }, { "title": "Louisville and Kansas finally provided some consistency to what has been a volatile Top 25 poll this season while perennial bluebloods Michigan State and North Carolina continued to tumble after another wave of defeats.", "articles": [ "7786541636368715310.html", "7331508222484643915.html", "4135141642065487270.html" ] }, { "title": "Jamshedpur FC and Chennaiyin FC had to settle for a point each at the end of an Indian Super League encounter which ended 1-1 at the JRD Tata Sports Complex in Jamshedpur on Monday.", "articles": [ "8669301693951751664.html", "7150386082908031825.html", "2885715104349518507.html", "6060938664331412719.html" ] }, { "title": "John Calipari assembled what was, at the time, considered one of the most stacked college basketball squads in the history of the game for the Kentucky Wildcats in 2014. The Harrison twins ran the backcourt while future NBA stars like Willie Cauley-Stein, Karl Anthony Towns, Trey Lyles, and Devin Booker lit up scoreboards and dominated opponents throughout the season. The Wildcats were ranked first in the AP Poll for the entire year and entered the NCAA tournament with a perfect 34-0 record. Still, the heavy favorites to survive March Madness hit a roadblock against Frank Kaminsky and the Wisconsin Badgers in the Final Four, and the Duke Blue Devils went on to cut down the nets.", "articles": [ "5090408756210562501.html", "8325046882794993093.html" ] }, { "title": "Ferrari team principal Mattia Binotto thinks the accusations of his team cheating around the United States Grand Prix was a mere ploy to increase the pressure on the Italian side.", "articles": [ "9117728199253732543.html", "9117728199251273662.html" ] }, { "title": "India clinched 42 medals, including 27 gold, on the penultimate day of competitions to inch closer to 300-mark as the country is poised to finish on top spot for the 13th time on the trot in the South Asian Games. The Indian athletes also won 12 silver and 3 bronze to end Day 8 with 294 medals (159 gold, 91 silver and 44 gold) to further widen the gap with second-placed Nepal who have collected 195 medals (49 gold, 54 silver and 92 bronze).", "articles": [ "7150386083370889367.html", "8669301692169364789.html", "2885715105042770711.html", "6060938664205849490.html" ] }, { "title": "Real Madrid striker Karim Benzema may be facing a criminal trial after France’s highest court of appeal on Monday dismissed his appeal challenging the legality of a blackmail investigation over a sextape featuring fellow footballer Mathieu Valbuena.", "articles": [ "8669301693846170395.html", "3606876836505980722.html" ] }, { "title": "By: PTI | Vasco | Published: December 9, 2019 10:45:01 pm", "articles": [ "2885715104346985628.html", "8669301692715180717.html" ] }, { "title": "Phillips missed Saturday\u0027s 2-0 win at Huddersfield as he served a one-match suspension for collecting five yellow cards this season.", "articles": [ "7750663362088909027.html", "3480199991332089463.html", "6141642774901477034.html", "7324224458878266999.html" ] }, { "title": "The San Francisco 49ers defeated the New Orleans Saints in a 48-46 shootout on Sunday, with both teams trading heart-stopping drives late in the fourth quarter.", "articles": [ "5090408756043931288.html", "8325046882628361880.html", "6060062399812689560.html" ] }, { "title": "Liverpool travel to Austria next for our final Champions League group game; here’s all the build-up plus the other news regarding the Reds.", "articles": [ "7550115575773343078.html", "7550115575194957861.html" ] }, { "title": "Conor McGregor will turn his sights to Jorge Masvidal if he defeats Donald Cerrone in January.", "articles": [ "2875825628442134515.html", "2875825630128282090.html" ] }, { "title": "Apple Inc\u0027s television news drama \"The Morning Show\" scored three Golden Globe nominations on Monday, putting the iPhone maker in the running for its first major Hollywood awards as a new player in the crowded streaming video market.", "articles": [ "7318238120945102439.html", "6735490618941460630.html", "302165935772494891.html", "6446904417723747700.html", "7654946767854705341.html", "6913978435995971595.html", "4566489172498207951.html" ] }, { "title": "A new BioShock game is in the works, publisher 2K has confirmed.", "articles": [ "1957885126391921425.html", "7732733961139234689.html", "8633418615323011840.html", "1337119305018819247.html", "5613834126406569906.html", "6010161592635775163.html", "8538862518793273529.html" ] }, { "title": "The film that was temporarily pulled from cinemas due to violence at screenings has been nominated for a Bafta film award.", "articles": [ "4415806918783631403.html", "7324224459335387994.html", "3480199991789210458.html" ] }, { "title": "NEW YORK - Noah Baumbach\u0027s divorce portrait “Marriage Story” leads the 77th Golden Globes with six nominations including best picture, drama, and acting nods for its two leads, Adam Driver and Scarlett Johansson.", "articles": [ "6669504244574067443.html", "8225790205086329666.html", "1537185524187327298.html", "4089046911294330774.html" ] }, { "title": "Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Helena Bonham Carter and Kit Harington have all been nominated for Golden Globes.", "articles": [ "4415806920071501275.html", "3480199992030671421.html", "7324224459576848957.html" ] }, { "title": "Apple got its first Golden Globes nominations Monday. Apple TV+ flagship series The Morning Show received three nominations.", "articles": [ "5087532648854632370.html", "1337119304801974594.html" ] }, { "title": "“There hasn’t been a ghost sighting in thirty years…”", "articles": [ "5613834128238526875.html", "3806037269863687066.html", "8257973865596704741.html", "3480199991479940704.html", "7324224459026118240.html", "4415806920211445526.html", "1852895045966625214.html", "2111116916247521019.html", "3721530541990528469.html" ] }, { "title": "NEW YORK — Noah Baumbach’s divorce portrait “Marriage Story” leads the 77th Golden Globes with six nominations including best motion picture, drama.", "articles": [ "8640648836312562528.html", "52741010455747573.html" ] }, { "title": "Welcome back to Engadget\u0027s Gaming IRL, a monthly segment where we run down what our editors are playing. This month, we couldn\u0027t help but plow through Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and devote plenty of time to FIFA 18. And we made some time for classic real-time strategy with Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition.", "articles": [ "96641516065072693.html", "96641515534206052.html" ] }, { "title": "Almost a year after actress Gal Gadot announced that filming on Wonder Woman 1984 had wrapped, fans have been treated to a first look at the new Wonder Woman instalment.", "articles": [ "970161748096772841.html", "3148363490836089632.html", "8204772967425992054.html" ] }, { "title": "LOS ANGELES, Dec 9 — Actor Rene Auberjonois, known for his television roles on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and the US sitcom Benson, died yesterday in Los Angeles after a battle with cancer. He was 79.", "articles": [ "302165936154846549.html", "1202843882437632184.html" ] }, { "title": "(CNN) - The nominees for the 77th Golden Globe Awards were announced Monday.", "articles": [ "830332541565559537.html", "8372747776808367497.html", "5911730201940374921.html" ] }, { "title": "NEW YORK -- The Golden Globes are looking more like the Grammy Awards: Beyonce, Taylor Swift and Elton John are competing for best original song at the ceremony.", "articles": [ "2422791598017833816.html", "7786541637317104194.html", "6395891953162889105.html" ] }, { "title": "NEW YORK (AP) - Some Golden Globe nominations seemed like locks: Joaquin Phoenix, Tom Hanks, Adam Driver and Eddie Murphy. But others were happy shocks, like Awkwafina nabbing a best actress nomination for musical or comedy. Other notable snubs and surprises:", "articles": [ "6395891953734983981.html", "2885715105425406724.html" ] }, { "title": "Olivia Colman, Phoebe Waller-Bridge and Helena Bonham Carter are among the British nominees ahead of the 77th Golden Globe Awards.", "articles": [ "7324224459605494590.html", "3480199992059317054.html" ] }, { "title": "Jack Black left Karen Gillan in stitches after improvising a song about farting to the tune of Bon Jovi’s You Give Love A Bad Name.", "articles": [ "4415806918140622580.html", "3480199992763338525.html", "7324224460309516061.html" ] }, { "title": "Watchmen Episode 8 changes the game", "articles": [ "2111116916372959616.html", "2111116914694816894.html" ] }, { "title": "“Marriage Story,” Netflix’s heart-wrenching divorce saga, topped the Golden Globe nominations Monday with six nods including best drama, kicking off the race for the Oscars.", "articles": [ "3524240995631221316.html", "4415806919548400995.html", "3480199992858812490.html" ] }, { "title": "Through the looking glass on İstiklal Avenue in Istanbul\u0027s Beyoğlu district, totems and figures of otherworldly creatures stare wide-eyed back at the human world. Intricate whorls of gleaming texture reflect off the works of Malene Hartmann Rasmussen in the storefront window of Meşher to introduce curious eyes to a new curation by Catherine Milner and Károly Aliotti titled \"Beyond the Vessel: Myths, Legends, and Fables in Contemporary Ceramics around Europe.\" It is the opening presentation of the historic building that formerly housed Arter since transformed into an adaptation of the Ottoman Turkish concept for an exhibition space. Entering through a side door, and setting out from a balconied stairway, the visionary ecology of Kim Simonsson appears immediately. Its immersive ambiance is entrancing. The sight of its forest sprites evokes the wonder and fascination of the mind in concert with nature.", "articles": [ "8383944810094989490.html", "8383944808963528322.html" ] }, { "title": "This wasn’t a year of radical transformation in the world of jazz. There was no single breakout star, and no explosion like the sudden realization last year that some really major shit was going down in London. But a tremendous amount of extraordinarily good music was released, and there was something for just about every taste. If you liked smooth modern jazz with one foot in R\u0026B, then trumpeter Marquis Hill’s Love Tape was for you; if you wanted intricately composed chamber music, saxophonist Anna Webber’s Clockwise was a must-hear; if you wanted to throw your arms in the air and dance like a maniac, sax/synth/drums trio the Comet Is Coming had two records, Trust In The Lifeforce Of The Deep Mystery and The Aftermath, to play as loudly as your lease would allow.", "articles": [ "5911871584470406065.html", "5911871583583393423.html" ] }, { "title": "LOS ANGELES (AP) - Caroll Spinney, who gave Big Bird his warmth and Oscar the Grouch his growl for nearly 50 years on \"Sesame Street,\" died Sunday at the age of 85 at his home in Connecticut, according to the Sesame Workshop.", "articles": [ "7786541637262989955.html", "6395891953888042995.html", "4297514367034459866.html", "2864261459414222554.html", "1209901973243561690.html" ] }, { "title": "The 2020 Golden Globes nominations were announced Monday morning in Los Angeles. Among the most surprising nods is that Disney’s “The Lion King” remake is nominated in the best animated film category.", "articles": [ "5090408756100209567.html", "8325046882684640159.html" ] }, { "title": "GOG Galaxy 2.0 started its slow rollout earlier this year, transforming the application from a launcher for your GOG-purchased games to a way to bring all your disparate PC platforms together. While the beta has been invite-only up until this point, you can now download the new GOG Galaxy in open beta.", "articles": [ "7890463383169913389.html", "96641515828338773.html" ] }, { "title": "As expected, Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) will explore the mind of Margot Robbie\u0027s Harley Quinn, according to director Cathy Yan and producer Sue Kroll.", "articles": [ "1295516961721093662.html", "1295516962731502821.html", "1295516961963129022.html" ] }, { "title": "The nominees for the upcoming 2020 Golden Globe awards were announced Monday morning, and some were intrigued to see the final season of “Game of Thrones” land just one nomination. Kit Harington (who played Jon Snow) has been recognized for the best actor in a drama series category, and Emilia Clarke fans are expressing their disappointment.", "articles": [ "8325046882663371129.html", "5090408756078940537.html" ] }, { "title": "WASHINGTON (AP) - Actress Sally Field, singer Linda Ronstadt and the disco-funk band Earth Wind and Fire shared the spotlight Sunday night as part of the latest group of recipients of the Kennedy Center Honors for lifetime achievement in the arts.", "articles": [ "6395891954382369186.html", "7786541636468604656.html" ] }, { "title": "Talking about the British food renaissance is easy for those of us in the industry. Depending on your point of view, it either kicks off with the publication of The Official Foodie Handbook in 1984, which gave us a name, or the first TV series fronted by Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay in 1999, which gave us our most significant public figures. We tend to view the years that followed as a period of constant growth and success, but, as a new decade begins, the story of the 2010s seems more complex.", "articles": [ "1491978794429883979.html", "1491978794611508819.html" ] }, { "title": "The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) today reported that during the month of November, 21 Closure Orders, and 2 Prohibition Orders were served on food businesses for breaches of food safety legislation.", "articles": [ "7092425147907477540.html", "8196011178685312102.html" ] }, { "title": "Chris Long from Reno, Nevada discovered that his blood had been replaced by the DNA of his German donor following a bone marrow transplant, The New York Times reported.", "articles": [ "967333868897712379.html", "967333869491156537.html" ] }, { "title": "Smoking during pregnancy is one of the most significant risk factors for poor pregnancy outcomes. In the United States, 10.7% of all women smoke during their pregnancy or are exposed to second-hand smoke. In doing so, they place their babies at a higher risk for premature birth, low birth weight and developmental delays than do their non-smoking counterparts.", "articles": [ "5374683670455236507.html", "7246030800548853863.html" ] }, { "title": "Five people have been confirmed dead, 18 have been rescued and are injured, some seriously, and several remain unaccounted for after a sudden volcanic eruption on Whakaari/White Island off the east coast of New Zealand.", "articles": [ "7207864702471750953.html", "8257973864833319543.html", "7256195146318086249.html" ] }, { "title": "Bank of Baroda on Monday said it will take part in the proposed IPO of UTI Asset Management Co Ltd by way of offer for sale of up to 1.04 crore shares.", "articles": [ "1502508924773954068.html", "7653256036660807412.html" ] }, { "title": "The mother of a teenager who died after an MRI scan has spoken of the moment she was told her daughter couldn\u0027t be saved - just hours after they played Lego cards together.", "articles": [ "124328112006967531.html", "4740742017271151435.html", "2469244513721442412.html" ] }, { "title": "Plan B, sometimes referred to as the “morning-after pill,” is an over-the-counter form of emergency contraception you can take after having unprotected sex. The pill works to prevent pregnancy before it even starts.", "articles": [ "5090408756321080088.html", "8325046882905510680.html" ] }, { "title": "Malaysia has reported its first polio case in 27 years, health authorities said Sunday, announcing a three-month-old baby had been diagnosed on Borneo island.", "articles": [ "7678601103941784541.html", "7849457200196581194.html" ] }, { "title": "Anxiety can be a debilitating condition and it looks different for everyone.", "articles": [ "970161747576739426.html", "2509734585799756280.html" ] }, { "title": "CALGARY — A hockey player paralyzed in the Humboldt Broncos bus crash says it feels good to be home after spending five weeks in Thailand, where he underwent spinal surgery.", "articles": [ "52741010556586413.html", "6669504244943655210.html", "6669504244603010278.html", "2422791597615328649.html" ] }, { "title": "Malaysia has reported its first polio case nearly three decades after the last occurence in 1992.", "articles": [ "8325046882607753650.html", "5090408756023323058.html" ] }, { "title": "Being hooked up to a breast pump is a reality for many new moms. But like any other milk in the fridge, your breast milk can, and will, go bad.", "articles": [ "5090408757552172468.html", "5575934301124077199.html" ] }, { "title": "The Banteay Meanchey provincial Department of Health said this year had seen more than 300 people saved from snake bites after seeking timely treatment from state hospitals across the province.", "articles": [ "4150766115065660733.html", "4150766115033715860.html" ] }, { "title": "Astronomers say most observations suggest that the bigger the galaxy, the bigger the supermassive black hole in it.", "articles": [ "3480199991235366026.html", "7324224458781543562.html", "6141642773316947082.html" ] }, { "title": "APIA, Samoa: A devastating measles outbreak continued to spread in Samoa, data released Monday (Dec 9) showed, as the death toll from the epidemic climbed to 70, mostly young children.", "articles": [ "5644198863421572110.html", "5644198863579682535.html", "4718288653163245424.html" ] }, { "title": "Vistara has entered into a codeshare pact with German airline Lufthansa, the sixth such agreement with an international airline as the domestic full service carrier seeks to expand its overseas network.", "articles": [ "1502508925236658846.html", "6060938663841959708.html" ] }, { "title": "BEIJING – People who were at vocational training centers in China’s far west Xinjiang have all “graduated” and are living happy lives, an official said Monday. But Uighurs and other predominantly Muslim ethnic minorities from the region say their family members continue to be arbitrarily detained in camps and prisons.", "articles": [ "6673764368331418943.html", "2422791599149574176.html" ] }, { "title": "TOKYO — Asian shares were mostly higher Monday cheered by a buying mood on Wall Street that came at the end of last week.", "articles": [ "8374351515053860754.html", "7097669637690788754.html", "7786541636968783163.html" ] }, { "title": "North Korea insulted Donald Trump again on Monday, calling him a “heedless and erratic old man” after he tweeted that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un would not want to abandon a special relationship between the two leaders and affect the US presidential election by resuming hostile acts.", "articles": [ "1491978795958139664.html", "5982769915024563397.html", "6395891953049920220.html", "5911730202904314108.html", "2422791598482004040.html" ] }, { "title": "Many black McDonald’s franchisees say they consider the fast-food giant to be a sort of McFamily. They have “ketchup in their veins,” dreaming of passing locations of the fast-food chain down to the next generation.", "articles": [ "5090408757550699054.html", "8325046884135129646.html", "7680839748656091694.html" ] }, { "title": "Fireangel Safety Technology Group PLC (LON:FA) shares hit a new 52-week low during trading on Monday . The company traded as low as GBX 9.50 ($0.12) and last traded at GBX 9.50 ($0.12), with a volume of 1807590 shares traded. The stock had previously closed at GBX 12.75 ($0.17).", "articles": [ "3142837109335097605.html", "3142837110322627929.html", "3142837110139124370.html" ] }, { "title": "Positive hiring outlook was reported in sectors like healthcare \u0026 pharmaceuticals, information technology, e-commerce and tech start-ups, educational services, KPO, power and energy, and logistics", "articles": [ "1145527432497556529.html", "2027555797379441864.html", "6060938664792987676.html" ] }, { "title": "Sweden’s former ambassador to China has been charged with “arbitrariness during negotiations with a foreign power,” over her involvement in a series of unauthorised meetings related to detained bookseller Gui Minhai.", "articles": [ "3845645663088596952.html", "7097669637854572242.html", "8334514180223439382.html", "4566489172441153807.html", "7097669637636396873.html", "5989194980713229148.html", "1491978796419631497.html", "7318238120853836330.html" ] }, { "title": "Washington: President Donald Trump warned Sunday that North Korea’s Kim Jong Un had “everything” to lose through hostility towards the United States, after Pyongyang said it had carried out a major new weapons test.", "articles": [ "7881006363735697978.html", "6913978434954901478.html", "3752801376636449514.html", "2027555796168412029.html", "7580308503684293394.html", "7324224460762433524.html", "6141642775297837044.html", "3480199993216255988.html", "4566489172489171233.html", "8029273603254737741.html", "2131266987293425349.html", "7362823821061175697.html" ] }, { "title": "Here is what you need to know.", "articles": [ "5090408756980204198.html", "5575934301324165798.html", "8325046883564634790.html" ] }, { "title": "Even with hundreds of billions of dollars in new liquidity created out of thin air, it’s too soon for the Fed to signal a clear coast for repo markets.", "articles": [ "5090408756144020568.html", "8325046882728451160.html" ] }, { "title": "Weeks after it closed shops in Cameroon and Tanzania, Jumia, the largest e-commerce operator in Africa, has offloaded its travel operations to Travelstart.", "articles": [ "7580308505591470960.html", "8371727318958981569.html" ] }, { "title": "BEIJING - China is reportedly planning to ban all government offices and public institutions from using foreign software and computers in a move that could dent sales by US tech companies and increase tensions at a crucial moment in the trade war.", "articles": [ "830332543043167460.html", "2422791597860622238.html" ] }, { "title": "Russian leader Vladimir Putin will hold formal talks Monday for the first time with his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky over the conflict in Ukraine’s east, at a highly anticipated summit in Paris.", "articles": [ "7580308505760929980.html", "7849457200920589195.html", "5644198862782530733.html" ] }, { "title": "The total assets under management (AUM) of the mutual fund (MF) industry crossed a record ₹27 lakh crore in November even as flows dipped substantially compared with the previous month.", "articles": [ "6679535025473550909.html", "1145527432543225441.html", "2885715104746421172.html", "1502508925344277048.html" ] }, { "title": "Tullow Oil, a British oil company, tanked on Monday morning after the company announced the resignation of its CEO and exploration director as well as cutting its production guidance. Tullow’s board also suspended its dividend.", "articles": [ "5090408756613466246.html", "5575934300957427846.html", "8325046883197896838.html" ] }, { "title": "USD/JPY is trading on the bid in the US session following a rise from 108.42 the low to a high of 108.66. The US dollar is holding up despite a strong sell-off at the start of December, with the DXY correcting back to the 38.2% Fibonacci of the slide from 98.43 to 97.36.", "articles": [ "4480975639501346977.html", "4480975639904226271.html" ] }, { "title": "Equity benchmark BSE Sensex on Monday fell over 70 points in early trade, dragged mainly by losses in financial and banking stocks amid persistent foreign fund outflows.", "articles": [ "2027555796247688158.html", "2885715103990761903.html", "2027555796313213421.html", "7881006364184217372.html" ] }, { "title": "Russia was banned from the world\u0027s top sporting events for four years on Monday, including the next summer and winter Olympics and the 2022 soccer World Cup, for tampering with doping tests.", "articles": [ "6679535024258738238.html", "8334514179795611236.html" ] }, { "title": "BEIJING (Reuters) - People held in camps in China’s Xinjiang region have now “graduated” and new trainees will have the freedom to come and go, the regional governor said on Monday.", "articles": [ "8334514180218407026.html", "4125100340531615690.html" ] }, { "title": "Satellite imagery captured before and after North Korea conducted what it called a \"very important\" test at its missile launch site suggested it had tested a rocket engine, experts said on Monday.", "articles": [ "2027555795903390985.html", "1570469241634484976.html" ] }, { "title": "If you want to book free flights, a credit card from an airline or a bank that partners with frequent flyer programs is a must. Not only will you earn miles on every purchase you make, but you can also earn a welcome bonus that can jump-start your frequent flyer account balance and help you book an award flight sooner than you’d think.", "articles": [ "8325046882822965067.html", "5090408756238534475.html" ] }, { "title": "The Nato summit last week did not present an inspiring picture of western unity. The assembled leaders sniggered behind each other’s backs and squabbled childishly.", "articles": [ "8204772968893471683.html", "707176888626298017.html" ] }, { "title": "Goldman Sachs raised its oil price forecasts for 2020, citing tighter-than-expected inventories after the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and its allies agreed to deepen oil output cuts through the first quarter of next year.", "articles": [ "7653256036916404333.html", "5283601223608122.html" ] }, { "title": "New Delhi: The Centre on Monday further reduced the stock holding limit for onion to 2 tonnes from 5 tonnes for retail traders as part of efforts to check hoarding and boost domestic supply of the kitchen staple. In a statement, the Consumer Affairs Ministry directed the state governments to undertake anti-hoarding operation with immediate effect on retail traders.", "articles": [ "7653256036764562417.html", "1502508924772980583.html" ] }, { "title": "MUMBAI: The steep tariff hikes, effected earlier this month by the battered telcos which held prices at rock bottom levels for nearly five years, can help more than double their operating profit to Rs 60,570 crore in FY21 from Rs 29,450 crore in FY19, says a report.", "articles": [ "6060938663545061747.html", "1502508925503165575.html" ] }, { "title": "LAUSANNE/MOSCOW: Russia was banned from the world\u0027s top sporting events for four years on Monday, a period that includes the next summer and winter Olympics and the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, for tampering with doping-related laboratory data.", "articles": [ "1202843881880505048.html", "2027555796557358654.html" ] }, { "title": "The trucking “bloodbath” of 2019 is ending on a remarkably sour note.", "articles": [ "5090408756905006447.html", "8325046883489437039.html" ] }, { "title": "Naspers-owned Prosus upped its bid to $6.5 billion on Monday (Dec. 9) to acquire London’s food delivery service Just Eat, putting pressure on rival buyer Takeaway, Reuters reported.", "articles": [ "7357138824852196174.html", "8334514181746283736.html" ] }, { "title": "Distributed ledger technology, colloquially termed “blockchain,” is making a bold promise to help bring the trade industry into the digital age. To help shed light on the intricate workings of the technology and the role that it is playing in the international trade industry, Trade Finance Global partnered up with the World Trade Organization earlier this month to produce a 56-page report titled “Blockchain \u0026 DLT in Trade: A Reality Check,” endorsed by the International Chamber of Commerce.", "articles": [ "3050247239641474969.html", "3050247240136335502.html" ] }, { "title": "SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - A day after North Korea said it had performed a \"very important test\" at its long-range rocket launch site, there is wide speculation that it involved a new engine for either a space launch vehicle or a long-range missile.", "articles": [ "7786541637770290215.html", "2220466262331242014.html" ] }, { "title": "By Netty Ismail", "articles": [ "7653256036643767988.html", "1502508925734174026.html" ] }, { "title": "LONDON, Dec 9 — European stocks fell today as worries about a Chinese economic slowdown and the US-China trade war outweighed Friday’s strong US jobs data, in a quiet start to trading before several big events later in the week.", "articles": [ "302165935971609269.html", "5644198862360700963.html" ] }, { "title": "Apple announced last month that the new Mac Pro would be coming soon and now we have a date. According to Engadget, the Mac Pro and Pro Display XDR will be available starting 10th December 2019. Prices for both have been confirmed to start from 5999 USD (~RM24971) and 4999 USD (~RM20808).", "articles": [ "4010909133533853587.html", "8633418616340866900.html", "6171356415482142382.html", "8633418616506854203.html", "5392375275906606077.html", "3990801510139991116.html", "3990801510432034761.html", "6141642774093045963.html", "7750663361865565056.html", "3480199991448843287.html", "7709795076410234118.html", "29040143942191937.html", "3698931832612145338.html", "1502508926032828738.html", "8029273603468563235.html", "12694854214057015.html", "3304128542224621840.html", "4480975639723039402.html", "2244788521446104847.html", "7635722258338517361.html", "6694993428784928959.html", "6060062399664440853.html", "6630243980223701830.html", "3677959678793383184.html", "1267416331106752426.html", "3990801510322672478.html", "7463818292950368198.html", "2111116916152839111.html", "2027555797927074382.html", "1751854815920254936.html", "5575934301542525723.html", 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much-anticipated beast of a machine, the Mac Pro, and its corresponding badass new display, the Pro Display XDR, will be available to order on December 10, per a promo the company emailed to U.S. customers.", "articles": [ "3183561246554676718.html", "8363059001545417205.html" ] }, { "title": "November has proven to be a tough month for trading providers, with firms widely reporting a drop in their trading volumes. Joining the growing list of brokers in this situation is Saxo Bank.", "articles": [ "8992138264854068580.html", "8992138265715181308.html", "8992138265685758263.html", "8992138266418687145.html" ] }, { "title": "Their latest flagchip Kirin 990 (5G) launched mere months ago but Huawei’s Q3 2020 flagchip Kirin 1020, and its midrange and likely sooner brother Kirin 820, have dropped and feature great improvements.", "articles": [ "1612121025436574937.html", "8385692877893666597.html" ] }, { "title": "Yes, you did just read that right. Plex doesn’t want a penny for the streaming service, which boasts a library of thousands of Hollywood blockbusters, television shows, extreme sports films, music documentaries, Bollywood musicals and more.", "articles": [ "3802011524409058639.html", "5149776702586146351.html", "7686550517516224308.html" ] }, { "title": "HUAWEI Y9s is the latest entry-level smartphone that boasts both a modern aesthetic design and outstanding specifications is now available for pre-order starting from today 9th December – 15th December. The HUAWEI Y9s equipped with an ultra wide angle 48MP AI Triple Camera to deliver outstanding photography, the HUAWEI Y9s also features a 6.59-inch HD FullView display and perfectly integrated front-facing pop-up camera for a boundary-free viewing experience.", "articles": [ "4125100338731371969.html", "3764253649493281130.html" ] }, { "title": "Cancer-drug developer ArQule spiked as much as 102% in early Monday trading after Merck said it would acquire the firm in a $2.7 billion takeover.", "articles": [ "5090408757080579321.html", "3364799148430876312.html", "8325046883665009913.html" ] }, { "title": "Apple’s brand-new iPhone 11, 11 Pro, and 11 Pro Max handsets are beautiful – both to the eyes and to the touch – but all it takes is one good drop to put an end to that seemingly short-lived appreciation. That’s why I always use a case.", "articles": [ "3326243714616673995.html", "3326243716265631399.html" ] }, { "title": "Boeing is promising three fixes for the faulty system widely blamed for the two deadly 737 Max crashes, CBS News reported on Sunday.", "articles": [ "7097669637879575671.html", "8325046883561726586.html", "5090408756977295994.html" ] }, { "title": "AICHAIN (CURRENCY:AIT) traded down 1.8% against the U.S. dollar during the twenty-four hour period ending at 12:00 PM ET on December 9th. One AICHAIN token can currently be purchased for $0.0008 or 0.00000011 BTC on popular exchanges including CoinEgg, BCEX, FCoin and OTCBTC. AICHAIN has a total market cap of $438,636.00 and $22,239.00 worth of AICHAIN was traded on exchanges in the last day. During the last week, AICHAIN has traded up 0.4% against the U.S. dollar.", "articles": [ "6922190227976785889.html", "3142837109479146276.html", "6922190227248008599.html", "6922190227156479601.html" ] }, { "title": "New Delhi: Striking the market hard, petrol price on Monday was raised to Rs 75 a litre mark for the first time in more than a year. The development comes after the oil firms raised rates to make up for the rising cost of production.", "articles": [ "7150386083201510292.html", "6060938663524478672.html", "1502508926215369037.html", "4718288653769002153.html" ] }, { "title": "There were dozens and dozens of popular DNA test kits on sale during Black Friday 2019 and Cyber Week, but there was one deal that was nowhere to be found. Now, however, it’s finally here for Green Monday 2019! For one day only on Monday, Amazon has slashed the price of the $150 AncestryHealth Core: Health + Genetic Ethnicity Test by AncestryDNA to just $99. This deal matches its lowest price yet, and this is your last chance to snag it before the holidays!", "articles": [ "7505870288456797091.html", "7505870288333113159.html", "7505870286770928621.html", "7505870286553693085.html" ] }, { "title": "Global banking regulators say the arrival of Big Tech firms like Google, Amazon and Apple in financial services poses a host of stability risks that may require sweeping new laws to level the playing field with smaller tech firms and banks.", "articles": [ "6000504749569508349.html", "6273363635477549217.html", "4425008560106647479.html" ] }, { "title": "HSBC has replaced its investment banking boss and group chief operating officer in a raft of changes due to take effect in 2020.", "articles": [ "6389894490550936095.html", "707176890045609075.html" ] }, { "title": "When you get your first Mac, you spend some time getting used to it. You figure out where items are located, set up apps like Messages and Mail, and prop a cool wallpaper on the screen.", "articles": [ "3326243714788741882.html", "3326243715483965308.html" ] }, { "title": "Fears of Russian interference ahead of a heated U.K. election were all but confirmed this week with a Reddit post.", "articles": [ "3183561246456572177.html", "8363059002038895986.html" ] }, { "title": "This year saw a wave of projects aimed at improving life for people with disabilities, and making spaces more inclusive. For our review of 2019, Dezeen has selected 10 of the best, including a mind-controlled exoskeleton and a series of 3D-printed IKEA hacks.", "articles": [ "1175672639352188503.html", "1175672638862472845.html" ] }, { "title": "7/10/19", "articles": [ "5315658999628906860.html", "6839538509024906002.html" ] }, { "title": "Google has been experimenting with ARCore for the better part of two years, adding more features to its AR development platform over time. Back at I/O this year, Google introduced Environmental HDR, which brings real world lighting to AR objects and scenes. Today, it\u0027s incorporating a Depth API that will introduce occlusion, 3D understanding, and a new level of realism.", "articles": [ "96641515799075693.html", "6273363635221577699.html" ] }, { "title": "The EU\u0027s powerful anti-trust authority on Monday approved billions of euros in subsidies from seven member states as Europe seeks to make up lost ground in batteries.", "articles": [ "4945708898123667414.html", "302165935616634888.html" ] }, { "title": "SMITH FALLS, ONT. --", "articles": [ "2422791598334322470.html", "52741010642288499.html" ] }, { "title": "High-performance machine is limited to just 350 units", "articles": [ "3480199992429746441.html", "7324224459975923977.html" ] }, { "title": "India climbed one spot to 129 among 189 countries in the 2019 human development index (HDI), according to a report by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).", "articles": [ "6679535024979104957.html", "1502508925379420199.html", "7653256036674009892.html" ] }, { "title": "The redesigned F-Type may be the most important Jaguar of the moment, but the I-Pace hasn’t been forgotten either. In production since 2018 at the Magna Steyr plant in Austria, the electric SUV gains 12 more miles of range for 2020 thanks to a software update.", "articles": [ "6471576454294719976.html", "1648269240519906268.html" ] }, { "title": "Just a few hours ago, we shared the first spy photos with an almost uncamouflaged prototype of the new Mercedes-Benz GLA. Now, we can take a closer look at its all-electric version, tentatively called the EQA, which has been spotted testing on public roads in Scandinavia.", "articles": [ "1648269240659738493.html", "8756669822461512707.html", "6471576453424278156.html", "4372976973691828887.html" ] }, { "title": "Auto major Tata Motors plans to add 100 sales outlets for passenger vehicles by the end of the current fiscal as it aims to enhance its reach in the country, a senior company official said.", "articles": [ "1502508925400238014.html", "2027555797125919683.html" ] }, { "title": "Airtel Kenya on Monday, December 9, launched no expiry data and call rates that will allow customers to spend as low as 1 bob for 5MB data and to make calls at 2bob across all networks.", "articles": [ "8634838154145233619.html", "8371727319744358296.html" ] }, { "title": "(CNN) - Virgin Galactic\u0027s stock is soaring after an analyst said its space planes could one day disrupt the air travel industry, potentially raking in nearly a trillion dollars a year in sales.", "articles": [ "830332542184819192.html", "3364799147824356191.html" ] }, { "title": "Mubasher: China’s solar photovoltaic (PV) exports reached 58 gigawatts (GW) during the first nine months of 2019, despite the introduction of tariffs on Chinese solar panels by the US, according to a statement by GlobalData.", "articles": [ "8917853138531542068.html", "6141642773306085298.html" ] }, { "title": "Some of Canada\u0027s telephone providers are being called on by the country\u0027s telecom regulator to add to their arsenals in the battle against phone scammers.", "articles": [ "616068602126209667.html", "1887544296544169931.html" ] }, { "title": "One of the great things about the iPhone is that, since it’s been a staple smartphone for so long, there is a veritable ton of iPhone accessories for all sorts of budgets. Naturally, you have your high-end wireless headphones, speakers and even charging cases, but there are also straight cases, long-lasting Lightning cables and phone grips for as low as $10.", "articles": [ "8325046882692679216.html", "7680839747213641264.html" ] }, { "title": "General Motors has a modest facelift in the works for its midsize Chevrolet Colorado pickup truck in the U.S. market. The truck isn’t just sold in America, however, and that means other regions should get an updated version as well. Ironically, this right-hand-drive Colorado believed to be a Holden model destined for Australia was recently spotted in southeast Michigan, near GM’s Milford Proving Grounds.", "articles": [ "1648269240308986035.html", "6471576453077392763.html", "1648269240774946417.html" ] }, { "title": "The wait is almost over.", "articles": [ "2111116914944050230.html", "591556592946580439.html" ] }, { "title": "Billionaire tech icon Elon Musk turned a lot of heads in the US city of Malibu, California on Saturday night when he showed up to a swanky restaurant in his new Tesla Cybertruck. But Musk’s night on the town included at least one embarrassing hiccup. The founder of Tesla and SpaceX hit a traffic pylon with his shiny new vehicle that some Twitter users joked was roughly the height of a small child.", "articles": [ "8363059001867131072.html", "461714590804140819.html" ] }, { "title": "Jumia has closed its shop in Rwanda after six years of operation, days after exiting Tanzanian and Cameroonian market.", "articles": [ "3304128542925472225.html", "8656724907372689220.html", "8334514180323394480.html" ] }, { "title": "In a packed field of stylish competitors, to stand out from the crowd takes a bit of doing.", "articles": [ "3480199993040081783.html", "7324224460586259319.html" ] }, { "title": "Life\u0027s assembly and operating instructions are in the form of DNA. That\u0027s not the case with inanimate objects: anyone wishing to 3-D print an object also requires a set of instructions. If they then choose to print that same object again years later, they need access to the original digital information. The object itself does not store the printing instructions.", "articles": [ "4945708898855173788.html", "5051862825016854175.html" ] }, { "title": "Zone out from the chaos around you this holiday season, and tune in to the sounds you want to, or make and manage calls, with this selection of compact and loud audio tech.", "articles": [ "591556591943565857.html", "591556593601347900.html" ] }, { "title": "NEW DELHI: Commerce and industry minister Piyush Goyal said the government will stop other countries from participating in local contracts unless Indian firms are given a similar opportunity.", "articles": [ "7653256036661921744.html", "1502508925391080054.html" ] }, { "title": "Paris (AFP) - Climate change threatens food supplies if extreme weather conditions hit more than one grain producing region at a time, scientists warned Monday.", "articles": [ "7097669637326118036.html", "4125100339276568805.html" ] }, { "title": "The hunt for the actress in Peloton’s viral holiday commercial is officially over.", "articles": [ "5575934300907539893.html", "5090408756563578293.html" ] } ]